What's the cheesiest joke you know?

thatguytony @thatguytony
commented on
What's the cheesiest joke you know?
thatguytony @thatguytony
You know a joke is good when people tell you to shut up, that what most of my friends tell while laughing

thatguytony @thatguytony
commented on
What's the cheesiest joke you know?
thatguytony @thatguytony
Try this one Saeko
Why do hispanics always eat beans for dinner?
So they can take bubble bathes

saeko @gotchicho
commented on
What's the cheesiest joke you know?
saeko @gotchicho
It took me a while to understand omg bye

Cero @cero
commented on
What's the cheesiest joke you know?
Cero @cero
This account has been suspended.

thatguytony @thatguytony
commented on
What's the cheesiest joke you know?
thatguytony @thatguytony
Guy walks into a bar on the top of a building, and sits next to a man and orders a drink
The man next to him strikes up a conversation and says "there's a wind current that hits this building by one side, if you jump out that window it'll throw you into the window a couple floors below"
He laughs saying he's crazy that no one would do such a thing
The man says "ok, I'll bet you 100 bucks then"
He agrees, the man jumps out the window and sure wenougb the man walks back in and says pay up.
After a couple of rounds he wants to try it, he says "I'm gonna do it". He jumps out the window and sure enough in about 10 minutes you could hear sirens on the floor below
The bartender looks at the man who made it and said "super man, you're an asshole"

BZ Substitute @brasszombie
commented on
What's the cheesiest joke you know?
BZ Substitute @brasszombie
That's the worst version of the Superman Pub Joke I Ever Heard. >.>

thatguytony @thatguytony
commented on
What's the cheesiest joke you know?
thatguytony @thatguytony
You're welcome

thatguytony @thatguytony
commented on
What's the cheesiest joke you know?
thatguytony @thatguytony
Here's a better pub joke
A Jewish guy walks into a bar and has a seat, he notices the man next to him is Asian but pays him no mind.
A couple of drinks later the Jewish guy is drunk and slaps the Asian saying "that's for Pearl Harbor"
The man says "that was the Japanese, I'm Chinese"
Jewish man says "Japanese, Chinese same thing"
Chinese guy starts drinking heavily, then when he's drunk, he gets up and slaps the Jewish man saying "that's for the titanic"
Jewish man confused said "that was an iceberg
Chinese man said "iceberg, Bloomberg, Goldberg same thing"

saeko @gotchicho
commented on
What's the cheesiest joke you know?
saeko @gotchicho
A zookeaper and a giraffe go into a bar and start drinking, after a while of drinking the giraffe passes out and the bartender get angry and tells the Zookeeper, "Hey you can't keep that thing lyin' here" the bartender replies "that's not a lion that's a giraffe"

thatguytony @thatguytony
commented on
What's the cheesiest joke you know?
thatguytony @thatguytony
One day a koala was smoking a blunt in a tree, when a lizard passed by and asked
"What'cha got there?"
Koala says "a blunt, you wanna hit?"
The lizard starts smoking with the koala, until he stops and says
"I need to drink something"
He goes to the river to drink, but he's so high he falls in
A gator sees him drowning and saves him asking "wtf happen?"
The lizard says "duuuuuuuuude, I don't even know, I was smoking a blunt with koala and then I started tripping. You should go try some"
The gator was curious so he went to go try. When he finds the koala he calls him saying "what's up"
The koala starts freaking out saying
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