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Are People Really Born Straight or Gay?

I'm prob going to regret adding anything to this, (yes I know I started it). The most likely cause that examples of less homosexual women is the same reason there is less contributions in other fields. Women didn't have the same freedoms they do now. As for Republicans who support gay rights I am one. I started this thread because while I support gay rights and could see myself in that light about 11 years ago with someone I probably should have gone out with, I would have been much happier. I however feel strongly that the born this way defense is silly and that in reality they shouldn't need it. If you love someone that's all that matters. Government should have very little say in Marriage whatsoever.
You know government bans same sex marriage not because of religion but to preserved life. As in procreation. Not because they don't want them to be happy or any of the sort.
As for what lamby said. What there is to understand may I ask? There are boys and there are girls. You like people of same sex that's fine but don't expect everybody to change who they are because you feel different.
I always thought that was interesting. Let's say you are a baker. Let's say you have a issue with gay marriage. Isn't in the couples best interest for you to decline? after all you obviously are against it and won't do the same quality work.
Bro your example is shitty by the way you know the real world does not work like that I mean who gives a if they are gay you'll still provide them with service. Money is money. Still does not mean that you approve of their choices of lifestyle
I'm not saying I Personally would deny someone Service. I am saying from the news we all know it does happen.
Bro that stuff will keep happening whether you like it or not. Its only a small amount though.
My opinion is this, i do not believe you are born gay or such being how would u know? you need time to learn that and such and need experence. Sure u can say u interested in same sex dating or such but u have to have experence and such to know. This i know may get me into hot water, but i just feel the who im gay and such is used to much when u dont have the experence to determine that at a to early age and such
This has never been an issue for me. I have known I was strait since I was in preschool... There was a really pretty girl in my class...
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