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Are People Really Born Straight or Gay?

Hmm. Considering we have creatures that can actually change their sexes as necessary, i am not of the opinion that you HAVE to be one way since you were born. Of course we are not any of those creatures. But it would not be impossible for someone to choose their sexuality and their hormones learn to act accordingly. Human body is capable of such. I remember a friend who ive always known as gay, but a female friend of mine said that he wasnt because he had tried to date her. Come to find out, he is indeed gay, but for some reason he had an attraction to her. She was the only female (i know of now) that he saw that way. (I also pick at her because she was all like "...did i turn him gay?"
Jun 10, 18 at 2:52pm
@taiyou... changing sexes and changing sexuality are 2 different things. Science defines male as the one who produces motile gametes, and female as the one who produces im-motile egg. So interchanging these functions in lower organisms and interchanging sexuality cannot be compared, as Sex is just a definition based on the type of gametes u produce. and for ur friend, he might be a gay-curious guy, so later on he became a full on gay.. it happens.
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I think it was missed the point i was trying to give. Let me rephrase. The human body is capable of changing in a variety of ways. Sometimes requires outside help or influence. Sometimes can be done inside. A person being fat, is often being told chemically that he is hungry and should eat more. Furthering his weight. Now you could say that he comes from a family of big people so its hereditary. But what about ones who are not from a family like that but still are. Id like to think people have a choice as to what makes them happy. And that their body learns to go along with it. Its much the same that you find one man or woman attractive, but you dont find the next man or woman attractive. Humans even as highly sexual as they are, are very flexible beings, finding a way to be happy in a number of ways. Some also dislike the idea of a "gay gene" because it for some reason is felt that now it can be used or seen as a defect instead of what the person decided to do of his own choosing (my friends words...not mine)
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Jun 10, 18 at 3:15pm
@taiyou.. gay gene is no defect. Genetic changes always occur and it cant be called a defect unless it produces a bad outcome. The genetic modification of lipoprotein-A which recently occurred helps us controll cholesterol levels better, the gentic modification that happened thousands of years ago (24th chromosome of ancestral ape went and fused with 13th(confirm the number) chromosome) produced the first humans. So u cant call a genetic varition to be a defect always. And the "gay gene" is not an idea, its an observation which is currently under speculation, if it exists then whether some like it or not it cant be helped. Humans are indeed very flexible but there are certain things which cant change, like the structure and function of the adult brain! it can degenrate but not transform. I do agree with u that the hormonal component of Sexuality might be malleable and we might be able to influence it to change a person's sexuality, but the structural component(brain) of sexuality cant be changed. I realized this in my argument with Leo, so i do agree that there should exist Complete Straight people or Complete Gay people who cannot change their sexuality. Though i still think most people have some gay curious side so they might be flexible.
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