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Are People Really Born Straight or Gay?

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There's a difference between straight or gay. You can't "Become" either, You either are, or you aren't. Is a man who is sexually attracted to men, who chooses to only sleep with women due to outside influence or culture, Straight? No. He's gay. Now, you may be trying to convince yourself, that you're not gay, plenty have that issue. But sexuality isn't a choice. You're not straight if you, as a man enjoy dick. You're gay, or Bi, or whatever other labels you wish to put on it. Which is fine, you do you. But you're not straight, if you are attracted to the same sex, or just Choose to date the same sex. It's all in attraction. Now until puberty is finished, you obviously don't have a fully formed, Well anything, including mind. That includes your attraction. So it can change during those times, However, by the time you're twenty it's just denial by then.
Jun 09, 18 at 11:56am
even after 20 its possible to change but very very difficult... daily temptaion, harassment, hypnosis, drugs can always change it ^^
But laughingman, My point is, a straight man/woman, wouldn't have daily temptation, if a guy screws a guy, he's doing a gay act, however if he's hammered or Raped, that doesn't make him gay, It makes him intoxicated, and taken advantage of, or forced. It doesn't make you gay, Gay means being attracted to the same sex, or both. That's my point. It's attraction, if you aren't attracted by men, or women, you have no temptation at all. It won't change at after that point either due to your body already maturing through that point. It's why LGBT folk are less than ten percent of the pop, It's not a choice or transformation. Hell you could argue they're less than three, but I'm majorly high balling it.
Jun 09, 18 at 1:05pm
i know u meant that.. if a gay rapes a guy then he doesn't become gay coz he was forced, i agree too ^^ but if a guy is raped every day by females or harassed by them, if he is tempted continuously everyday by gay men, if he is hypnotised and mentally reformed, or if he even uses hormonal drugs then it is possible for him to change his sexuality and feel attraction for the same sex, in fact there are many other possible ways too.. but these ways are very difficult to occur and would need a lot of work to convert a straight man to gay! our mind changes way more often than we think, infact in every 5 years you become significantly different enough to compare and notice the differences in your personality. So Sexuality and attraction can be changed after puberty but very difficult and time intensive process it is, before puberty it is way more easier to change the sexuality. The opposite is also possible, a gay person can technically be converted back to being straight, that's why the early british gov. would use drugs on gay men to make them straight.. but it had horrible side effects.
Okay perhaps, (and I do mean perhaps.) hormones could change sexuality, However if this were the case, then why are their transsexuals that take hormones that stay the same sexuality? It still affects them mentally(And obviously physically.). Again, You miss the point, if you are straight, there is no temptation, if a guy says hey let me suck your dick to a straight guy, EVEN IF he says yes to it, it wouldn't make him gay. It would only make him gay if he were attracted to men. Because an act doesn't make you sexuality, It's why their are gay men(not bi) that used to be married to women and had children. You can't mentally reform someone into being attracted to something they aren't, Or The church pray the gay away, would of worked. Our minds change yes, but our bodies keep our DNA, and they don't suddenly lose all that it was either, and again, if that were a thing, it would of been documented a hundred times over. I'd need a link to that british government drug. A fully straight man, without major hormonal drugs(and I'm still skeptical even including them.) will not just suddenly become something else. He would of been Bi, or gay all along. If it were so easy, there'd be even less gay people because of the stigma behind it.
The way I've seen it is that it's a behavioral + belief trait. The nature vs. nurture argument isn't irrelevent, but it's never so simple as one or the other. Scientifically, one has to have the capacity for a trait in order for that trait to come up. You can't become a behaviorally "true" narcissist unless you are born with the genes that instruct the brain to function a certain way. But also scientifically, these traits aren't singular or secluded. The path you end up following often comes from decisions you or your brain/body make in reaction to the environment. It's absolutely essential to our evolutionary survival to be able to grow up suited to our environment, even socially. A good example: Someone with abusive parents is more likely to become abusive themselves because 1) they obviously have their parents' genes, and 2) their parents are the first models for behavior they see, shaping their view on what's "normal" and "okay". HOWEVER, if that person is exposed to other ways of thinking early, or they also have the capacity for complex self-awareness, they could whole-heartedly reject their parents' abusive behavior and become someone who wouldn't dream of doing it themselves. Sexuality is like this. We talk about suppressing inner thoughts, and this is sometimes the case, but sometimes, a straight person who is exposed to gay "culture" can start valuing it themselves and realize they actually like it, without ever showing or feeling any previous inclination toward it beforehand. Someone who is strictly straight or gay may someday realize they are actually bi. It's hard to go the opposite direction without suppressing desires, though, unless one has a completely different view and justification for their initial LGB behavior. Not everyone will change. Some will lean towards an inner desire they feel by practical instinct. Others aren't as in-tune with their sexual disposition and may need mental and social exposure/experience before they attach themselves to a particular orientation. We're complex creatures. I think we all need to remember how vast our bodies and minds are, and how one person's experiences and genuine feelings don't always carry to the next. If you believe you have to be born a certain way and that will never change, then YOU probably were, which is why it feels like the absolute truth to you. For me, I'm straight, but I was ALWAYS turned off to guys kissing each other until I literally got used to watching it in some of the media I consume. Now, I'm not particularly turned on by it, but I could see myself experimenting someday if I met the right guy. If anything, I'm just turned off to the idea of... uh... butt sex. Guy, girl, doesn't matter. What-in-the-butt is unsanitary and gross! (*ahem*andmyfirstexperiencedoingitwithmyexonlyconfirmedmydistaste) lol
One is normal and natural while the other is a disorder.
Jun 10, 18 at 1:45pm
Science does not acknowledge Homosexuality or Heterosexuality as a disorder :/
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