Does your boss &/or your coworkers know that you're an otaku
kuromizu @kuromizu
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Does your boss &/or your coworkers know that you're an otaku
kuromizu @kuromizu
Everyone at my work knows even the residents (i work at a retirement home) because i am always wearing an anime shirt that i got from a past lootcrate
XxBleedingLovexX @xxbleedinglovexx
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Does your boss &/or your coworkers know that you're an otaku
XxBleedingLovexX @xxbleedinglovexx
The DC I work in holds no secrets meaning everyone seems to know each other and what their interests are, kind of like High school all over again lol a few of my co-workers know I watch anime and write fanfiction. My boss is so old fashioned, I doubt he even knows what anime even is haha he hasn't a clue that I do. And of course, only my best friends know I have a waifu and own a dakimakura (no creeping though for real) :P
texton @texton
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Does your boss &/or your coworkers know that you're an otaku
texton @texton
Very much so, they are actually really cool with it and a lot of my co-workers watch anime so i get to introduce them to more and more anime that they have never seen before. My boss on the other hand will let me off for all conventions if i ask off for it because he knows its a big part of my lifestyle.
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