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Dating is tough lol.

Ahhh, I see now. Without sounding disrespectful towards others with the same, I notice via your profile that you have autism. That is not meant to be insulting as I know people, and dated someone for quite some time, with autism/aspergers. While I understand a little better now, this, however, does not give you a free pass on life. You're still capable of wanting improvement and overcoming your sheer jadedness. Knowing what I know now, and realizing that trying to best an autistic mind is futile, I shall bow out. While you seem quite knowledgeable, you refuse to want to help yourself. Best of luck.
Oct 26, 16 at 2:02pm
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Unfortunately, pissing people off, most of the time, comes with being blunt about things. As he mentioned, people don't always like to hear the truth, but that doesn't make it wrong either. What is wrong, however, is the way one treats a person. You can be blunt, but in a respectful way. He chooses not to, and that's his choice.
@Naomi: Im fine if people don't like me. And I only pissed one person off that had two profiles that I didn't know about.
good. hopefully this brings an end to this. @eggs I have a personal code of morals and ethics too. but mine is just that, "personal" it has nothing to do with telling other people how they should act or be. I suppose this is one thing I simply cannot understand. oh well.
Oct 26, 16 at 2:24pm
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I must say, I find your profile quite intriguing. Gonna list your expectations and cut out the bullshit in between: -I'm a pretty shallow person when it comes to relationships -A lot of times I tend to generalize things because it's all I know how to do. -Im on here looking for someone I can spend the rest of my life with. -Im kinda dependent but not fully and am looking for someone that can like mother me in a way. -I also like to be around the girl I like 24/7. -I just genuinely like (t)o be glued to the girl I like everyday all day. -I also use sexual touching as a way of me telling you that I like you very much. -That is my way of showing affection. -I may tend to over dramatize things. -Im very lonely and I don't like being alone :( Just saying, these behavours are unhealthy and you won't find a relationship. If you're serious, then work on these... especially the being glued to a girl 24/7. No girl wants to feel suffocated like that. You say you want bluntness, yet caring: There you go. Work on your shit and you'll find a girl who wont fuck you over.
can't we make MO a bit more accepting place? There's no problem with giving other people frank suggestions. But it doesn't have to get insulting. As you said yourself, "you can be blunt, but in a respectful way". I hope you can try to stick to it even while talking to people who chose the other way. For users who poured out their heart and weakness in their profile, it made me feel sick that they are getting judged in this manner.
You must be new here... Or can't read. one of the two.
@ Naomi: ok fine, if you didn't insult anyone then why did I take offense? How come you couldn't word it differently?
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