If MO members had a nude beach meetup, how many of you would show up?
Aerone @aerone
commented on
If MO members had a nude beach meetup, how many of you would show up?
Aerone @aerone
I definitely wouldn't. xD
I don't like to be stared at.
Go Away Clods @aidenfearghal
commented on
If MO members had a nude beach meetup, how many of you would show up?
Go Away Clods @aidenfearghal
I would, but then everybody would walk the other direction when they saw my fat harry body.
Max @reclaw
commented on
If MO members had a nude beach meetup, how many of you would show up?
Max @reclaw
*blip* Bardal @bardal
commented on
If MO members had a nude beach meetup, how many of you would show up?
*blip* Bardal @bardal
Okay, might as well.
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