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Have you ever read that book http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll287/21wq/ponies/shes_just_not_that_in2_u_zpsee3afmof.jpg
Right, guys and girls, I think it's time I gave my two cents on some of the comments here and give a few opinions of my own. First off, when I made this post, I had only read up on a good few chapters on the book. I've yet to finish it and have had little experience with it and practically no experience with dating. But, I can agree of some of the things I've read in it so far and there is one experience the writer brings up that I have gone through. Now, I've been on this site for a few years now and when I introduced myself here there was a very cute girl who commented saying that she lives in the UK and said maybe we could meet up. So I when or her profile and chatted with her a few times. Then after a while I stopped logging on here due to personal reasons and started looking on other dating sites for a girl with the same interests to no avail. Sure I got some messages off some very attractive women but none of them were even into anime or gaming which put me off. Simply put they were not what I am seeking in a future partner, which is basically someone with the same interests and hobbies which I felt made them incompatible with me. And so I decided to come back to MaiOtaku and seek out that one girl who was nice to me. After finally plucking up the courage to message her and ask if we could be friends on Facebook (probably not the smartest move I know, but still). Eventually, I got a reply saying that she agreed and asked for my Facebook so she could add me. So I gave her my Facebook address. I should point out that this girl wasn't online here a lot, hence my asking if we could be friends on Facebook. A few months passed and there were no friend requests from anyone who seemed like the girl I was in love with. On top of that I messaged her again and got no response. My point here is that the author of the book states in one chapter that it's a bad idea to focus on just one person as there are chances that she won't respond or likely won't be interested, which can lead to a feeling of rejection. This is one of the many mistakes the author has made which I can relate to. He also gives advice on how to go about messaging women. Another topic brought up in the book is that women tend to look for value in a partner, which I think is true. Case in point, I have this friend who I've known since high school whom I meet up with every so often and one time she asked if I have found girlfriend, to which I explained that I hadn't and that I'm looking for someone with the same hobbies as me. Then she told me that she was looking for someone who can drive and do DIY, thus implying she was looking for someone with value. Now for the whole "Nice guys finish last" shtick. It's sad to say but in a way it is kind of true. If you're a "nice guy" society does generally consider you a push over and that in turn means women will see no value in you. But I really wouldn't be so quick to drop being nice altogether. If someone is being an arse call them out on there bullshit. If you see some unfortunate being harassed in anyway, go to their aid and most importantly, stand up for yourself and those you care for. Don't be afraid to fight for what you believe in. Look, Jeremi McManus most likely HASN'T dated EVERY woman but I think he brings up some great points in the book. One thing we need to remember is that we are all human. We all have our own personalities and quirks and we are by no means perfect nor can we really try to be. So by all means, at least give to book a try and don't be so quick to shun it. It may end up surprising you. And since this is a site for dating fellow otaku, I recommend reading up on the following links: http://blog.honeyfeed.fm/5-ways-to-date-an-otaku-girl/ This first link is written by an otaku girl which actually has some good pointers. It states how to act around an otaku girl and how to treat her. This next one has much of the same advice but also brings it's own cards to the table: http://www.wikihow.com/Date-an-Otaku-Girl And finally, a few pointers Gajin Goomba and his wife coupled with some really good advice which could help, even though it's technically for gamer couples: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHfFkX2Awqo Now it's likely that the advice given in the book and these link won't work 100% of the time, as Gaijin Goomba states in his video. Nevertheless, take it to heart but also never forget to use some common sense.
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