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Online Relationships

Apr 15, 16 at 1:38am
I've been in a LDR now for over 2 and a half years. In this time, we've met twice. A LDR is certainly not easy. It's exhausting and draining both physically and mentally. Communication is crucial. While I do love this individual, every day's a struggle. To answer your question, whether it's an online/LDR or in person/"real life" relationship, each couple will face some sort of hardships or difficulties. It's simply a matter of learning to work around them or fix them if necessary.
Need trust in LDR
Only tried it once to be perfectly honest, Ex lived a distance and we seen each-other regularly. but we did have stuff to do whilst being together or not. So i believe that played a huge roll. Would love to with someone currently, as much as shot in the dark it would be, although i suppose i have a plan. Truthfully i think that some people online have a weird idea of a relationship; not a bad idea. but it's certainly not what i'm used to. I treat almost of my relationships like i would in reality, Online... i guess the Rules change-abit.
*Does a line of cocaine* Exactly what i fucking mean, yah wanna fight broh?
I was joking man XD i'm sorry... *Cries and rests head on shoulder* I'm dying on the inside... Hold me.
Apr 16, 16 at 11:38pm
Not touching that with a 10 feet pole. XD
Apr 17, 16 at 12:03am
They never work out. People lie online, texting can take up a ton of time, a relationship can end with a simple Block. Miss typing can create issue. Not typing enough can make a problem. Some people type faster then others.
Apr 17, 16 at 1:48pm
luffy 1stly yes they do. me among many other people manage to make it work. those examples youre refering to are for kids and/or imature as hell people...those reasons to break up are ridiculous.
Apr 18, 16 at 12:30am
Online relationships can work out, but it's very difficult. There's too many ways that can cause one to fail. People can lie and pretend to be someone they're not (catfishing). Also, you're never certain that the other person can stay faithful. They can either cheat on you, or simply lose interest if the relationship isn't going anywhere. If you want an online relationship to last, you should interact as much as possible (texting, talking on the phone, Skype, IRL meet-ups, etc). Again, long distance relationships are hard, but they're do-able.
There is a lot of more issues like if this person is loyal, or being completely honest. From past experience, it just a lot of trouble. It requires both parties to be loyal, and honest with each other. It also requires both to put a lot of effort if they want it to work out. In reality, it's usually a difficult thing to deal with.
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