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Are You Ready For A Trump Nation?

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>I hate him for the person attacks and the fact he is the antithesis of everything I stand for as a person. Personal attacks that were in retaliation to those you initiated. Impasse much? You're also being racist by asserting white people have more worth to them than black people, and your use of racial slurs like "dune coon" which is more than anything I ever said. You should seriously off yourself, you're beyond hope. >How are they terrorist? For setting fire to federally owned land and causing a standoff in a public wildlife refuge. They disrupted public order and acted as if they owned the land, which they clearly did not. The regulations are in place for a variety of reasons.
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>First off they didn't set fire to federal land. They set a backburn on their own land to stop wild fires from burning down their home The backburn was done on federal land without permission. And the Hammonds actually didn't denounce the Bundys until after receiving death threats. Therefore, I consider their prior statement to be the true one.
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>So what? You think they should have had their livelihood and home destroyed because they didn't get government permission in a split second decision? You are a really are a shitty libertarian. They There's other ways to repel a wildfire on your land. Saturating the area around the fire with water, salt, etc that don't involve setting a backburn, and are just as easy to do. No, they set fire to the land to protest the federal government, and didn't denounce the Bundys until after they were mailed death threats in prison. >You are a really are a shitty libertarian I'm an objectivist technically. We don't follow a set criteria - only protection of individual rights. You are grasping at straws. Off yourself by jumping off one of Kansas City's many bridges, or drink bleach.
I won't even go back and respond to your past absurdities. I'll grab me some popcorn and watch this Idiocracy unfold.
>I won't even go back and respond to your past absurdities. No, be my guest. I'd rather discuss with someone with some semblance of common sense.
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>Don't look into a mirror then. You'll turn to stone. I'm not Medusa, so that wouldn't work.
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