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Are You Ready For A Trump Nation?

>I'll just leave this here. Its a video by an actual libertarian. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dT_8wLinf4A Which proves nothing. Political theory is rather clear there's a diamond spectrum. So Aaron Clarey is wrong. And he isn't a political science major, so he's unqualified to discuss this. He's an alt-righter
I laugh a lot at those sexist remarks, but what can I say? Lot of useless men would like to dominate succesful women and that's why they keep being the trash they are.
>but I don't lump illegal immigration in with legal immigration. I don't like illegal immigration either. But I think that deporting 11 million people and building a wall at the border with Mexico isn't the solution here. We should allow these 11 million illegals in the nation already to pay fines, pay back taxes on a payment plan and then get legal work permits or green cards. Deportation of 11 million people is expensive, inefficient and unlikely to do anything but strain political relations with Mexico.
>I laugh a lot at those sexist remarks, but what can I say? Lot of useless men would like to dominate succesful women and that's why they keep being the trash they are. Sexism is somewhat inherent to human nature because men and women have different biological roles, but what Lordragna does is white trash.
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Not exactly trolling if it doesn't work lmao.
@Elder_Reaper: However, the politicians are preaching amnesty. Amnesty for breaking the law just encourages breaking the law even more. You aren't describing amnesty, when amnesty is granted there are no fines, no back taxes. They are cleared. I agree that we should allow ways for families that have been here for years and contributed to society to pay fines and start the process. But now we have another problem, so we put the ones waiting in line civilly on hold so we can legalize the ones that snuck in?
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>No, I am an alt-righter. He is a traditional libertarian. Also if you had an ounce of integrity you would acknowledge that political science is a joke of a major that means nothing. And I'm white trash because I get enjoyment out of trolling a girl on a website? Alt-right is a term for anyone who is right-wing outside of the mainstream conservative agenda. It encompasses anarchism, fascism and many other political spectrums. And you keep on asserting your point of view is correct without any form of backing it up. Also nice posts on 4chan. You're desperate as fuck. >But now we have another problem, so we put the ones waiting in line civilly on hold so we can legalize the ones that snuck in? No, you handle them simultaneously. Its possible. I don't believe in amnesty here though, they need to pay the government fines and back taxes, to be fair to those waiting in line.
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