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Are you ready for Valentines? *______*

i'm excited cause deadpool. And it's right after exam week so I can actually see it while it's still in theaters! Best way to celebrate
I work that day xD even if I had the day off I don't have anyone for Valentine's Day (T.T)/
For those of you, like me, that won't have a date on Valentine's Day, don't worry about it. In fact, do yourself a favor by buying some of that Valentine's Day candy on clearance the day right after Valentine's Day. You can also show your mom or dad that you love them. You can show your love for your friends and even your pets too.
Eh I've got work anyway that evening and I typically sleep in, so no skin off my back.
I don't have a date, but I'm gonna go see Deadpool, and then go home and play FFXIV! Can't wait, haha xD
Like i need to be ready for it its just another date where i still constantly remain single
Feb 13, 16 at 6:07am
kiiiiilll meeeee
Any female singles out here?
Valentine's day is overrated. :)
I have a date with my computer, my "Media Law" notes and Monster Energy. It's pretty neat.
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