What series would you revive?
SquallGriever @squallgriever
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What series would you revive?
SquallGriever @squallgriever
.hack series! .hack//Infection,Mutation,Outbreak,Quarantine were a huge part of the reason I skipped school! And the anime only added to it. I would want it revived as a standalone RPG, not as an online MMO though. I think the beauty of it was in the immersive story between games and anime. If turned MMO it would probably mess with the whole synchronization it had going on. I want to play as Aura or Maha at least a little.
coreydem @coreydem
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What series would you revive?
coreydem @coreydem
i would like to see what they could do with spawn on the next gen engines
Rain @rainx
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What series would you revive?
Rain @rainx
Got damn we need a new Panzer Dragoon game. Hell, I'd take an HD remaster of Orta on PS4/XBO at this point. And I don't have an Xbox One but did get a chance to play Crimson Dragon. It just wasn't anywhere close to the same feeling despite the pedigree of it's creator having worked on previous games.
The Sega fanboy in me could dream up a lot of different sequels I'd love see, but I'd be scared to see what modern Sega might do with them outside of another RPG like a sequel to Skies of Arcadia. They at least still seem to know how to make a good JRPG.
kiritorbiter259 @kiritorbiter259
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What series would you revive?
kiritorbiter259 @kiritorbiter259
I want timesplitters to rise again. I miss playing that game so much. XD
lugexd @lugexd
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What series would you revive?
lugexd @lugexd
Its already been said, but Legend of Dragoon all the freaking way. Its my absolute favorite game, and it really deserves to come back. especially after how many times its been dicked over.
traumaticsherry @traumaticsherry
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What series would you revive?
traumaticsherry @traumaticsherry
Dino Crisis, Parasite Eve, Illbleed (Not a series but I wouldn't mind a revival), and Darkstalkers.
Emperor Nihilus @no44prometheus
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What series would you revive?
Emperor Nihilus @no44prometheus
This account has been suspended.
militantotaku @militantotaku
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What series would you revive?
militantotaku @militantotaku
Crash Bandicoot.
The PlayStation mascot is being treated worse than a Saudi Arabian housewife.
polocrossebob @polocrossebob
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What series would you revive?
polocrossebob @polocrossebob
I just thought about this, I would bring back THQ so we could have a third Dawn of War.
VeZeal @axlex
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What series would you revive?
VeZeal @axlex
Viewtiful Joe
Chrono Series
Devil May Cry
Sin and Punishment
Maybe a few more when I think of them
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