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Tales Of Series

Feb 17, 16 at 10:19am
My favorite is probably Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. Maybe if only for the memories I have of playing it. At the time I hadn't played the original Tales of Symphonia, but my friend had. He was hanging out while I was playing, and he was all sorts of confused over Lloyd through most of the game.
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Feb 17, 16 at 3:40pm
@Gudmoore: Memories can be a funny thing. We can remember things more fondly than how they really were. DotNW is very unpopular outside of Japan and I personally didn't like it myself. Of course I love Xillia while most others prefer Vesperia or Symphonia.
I am happy everyone can place their opinion, but the more I think about it Namco knows what they are doing with their Tales series. A lot of them that are older still have the deepest story ever.
Feb 17, 16 at 3:43pm
Yeah I wouldn't agree with that. A lot of people are very unhappy with Zesteria. Some are even unhappy with Xillia. So it's all a matter of opinion.
Of course most of it can hurt, but I like Phantsia and Symphonia the most because those are popular. Of course I still need to play Abyss, that is another popular one with a deep story even the anime series of most of them were stunning. ^_^
Feb 17, 16 at 4:21pm
I definitely recommend Abyss. The one the strongest cast of party members and a main character that gets the biggest slice of humble pie after a major event. Jade alone is worth the experience. And one of the best Tales final bosses.
Well it is easily affordable right now, and which is why it is always a good thing to an PS2 in handy. Also it has good gameplay schematics. ^_^
Feb 17, 16 at 4:38pm
I played Abyss on the 3DS. Some of the areas are even cooler in 3D
Yeah that must be a real trip, still each character design for every Tales series is pretty cool Emil is one of them. Just in anime version anyway, in so I believe Phantasia, Symphonia, and Abyss for the win.
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