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Fate/Stay Night Series

Dec 28, 15 at 4:00pm
Probably Type Moon judged that, good end matters I guess if I remember the only ones to survive is Shiro and a few others, but I guess they can still change the history like they did for the original ending lol, but if the trigger of Dark Sakura is Sakura getting raped dunno about it
@holyfok your probably right, and they probably would change something. But like @soleil said ive seen worse get turned into an anime series, youd think they would find some way around it. Eh, we'll just have to wait an see I suppose @Essan Godfrey where'd you hear about a movie for it?
Dec 28, 15 at 4:26pm
Could be a reputation matter and if the trigger of Dark Sakura is her getting raped, I dont know how they could make another big event to make her go berserk, so if they cant find another event do they want to be affiliate has being hentai producer and such
I agree, since the other Fate series arnt like that. Considering the company they wouldnt take that route. So it would be a matter of reputation vs what the fans want. The fans seem to be okay with this just wouldnt be appropriate for younger viewers. Isnt the company Type Moon? From the shows I know they produced I think its unlikely to add a scene like that. As you said they would have to replace it with another big event, which sucks XD.
Dec 28, 15 at 4:50pm
Yes its Type Moon and its sad to say but hentai is more acceptable in VNs lol
Fate Zero did sort of mention the "events" that happened to Sakura and did touch on the Matou magic. If they can do that it wouldn't be to hard to depict Heavens Feel in an OVA.
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