Holyfok @holyfok
commented on
Holyfok @holyfok
Its the title of the amv just write the beginning mad amv on youtube and it will appaear
AfterWind @afterwind
commented on
AfterWind @afterwind
Hey, I play osu! for a while now and I really enjoy it! My account is: https://osu.ppy.sh/u/_afterwind
feel free to add me. What's yours?
JackTechno @jacktechno
commented on
JackTechno @jacktechno
You're too skilled for my speed. My osu account is the same name as here. WolfofMibu is a little faster than me. Maybe you two can play together.
AfterWind @afterwind
commented on
AfterWind @afterwind
Haha, that's the first time I get that. I'm cool with playing easy maps ^_^
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