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NEVERRRR again!!!!!!!!!!
@neet-one I can try Curse Voice but i dunno if people would be willing to install it just to talk with a group
Most people have curse voice if they play LoL or Smite
I have successfully infiltrated. Now to sit here and awkwardly make an ass of myself.
-w- most of the Skype groups start out nice, make ya feel like a big family and all,playing Xyzzy and calling all the time; but after a month, people get real lives and don't check in as often, folks leave, then it turns into 3-5 people saying random blarbler and that one guy/girl that always is streaming and wanting people to join in on their games... -w- i have been in and out of 12 of them within the past year. ✧✧✧(・`ω´・ ●) So my main question is, How are you going to avoid the decline of your Skype chat? And how are you going to get people in the chat interested to join? What do you want the chat to be that is just more than just "People talking on a Skype"?
@frasia2162 For now we're 8 people. We're still starting to know eachother but people are really active. Some of us are in a karaoke group one of the people from the group created and we're having quite a lot of fun. About the decline of the skype chat, I'll just try to keep the group alive and remove people that aren't active. I'm not doing anything to get people in the group. If they want they come, if they don't want they don't come. I prefer less and active people than lots that don't say anything interesting
I wouldn't mind joining if its as active as you say it is!
I would say that a server like Vent or TS would be better for chats like these. Reason being is there could be more rooms without having to make separate calls. I like Skype, but for larger groups I wouldn't always recommend it.
@natchanhime Anyone can join! @Ty Ty I thought u were already here xD @J Thing is, most of the time we just chat. Since differente time zones can sometimes be a pain in the ass, we only do calls sometimes, so skype is far better than TS for just chatting. TS enforces calling
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