Scanning. Scanning.
I_Am_B @aikido_sensei
commented on
Scanning. Scanning.
I_Am_B @aikido_sensei
Target identified.
Target destroyed
Pika-chan @regianox
commented on
Scanning. Scanning.
Pika-chan @regianox
O.O whaaaa?
sakura3481 @sakura3481
commented on
Scanning. Scanning.
sakura3481 @sakura3481
Poor elmo!
Good thing i never liked him
I_Am_B @aikido_sensei
commented on
Scanning. Scanning.
I_Am_B @aikido_sensei
Repairs complete.
Pika-chan @regianox
commented on
Scanning. Scanning.
Pika-chan @regianox
Oh jeez this will be fun
Jinsei @jinsei
commented on
Scanning. Scanning.
Jinsei @jinsei
Not like I expected an electric type to be done in by an electric attack. So you've passed the test. I can turn it up a notch...
Now, break free of your chains of doubt and fear... TOUSHIN OMEGA!
Pika-chan @regianox
commented on
Scanning. Scanning.
Pika-chan @regianox
That was just a test? Fine then I'll turn it up too!
I_Am_B @aikido_sensei
commented on
Scanning. Scanning.
I_Am_B @aikido_sensei
sakura3481 @sakura3481
commented on
Scanning. Scanning.
sakura3481 @sakura3481
Hehe^^ bye bye
Pika-chan @regianox
commented on
Scanning. Scanning.
Pika-chan @regianox
I hope that's not for me ^-^'
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