What's your zodiac sign?
Sylvara @sylvara
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What's your zodiac sign?
Sylvara @sylvara
Just for fun, for anyone joining us later on and those who have not answered yet: have you looked at the common traits for you zodiac sign and if so how accurate would you say they are to you? Mine are dead on, 100% accurate, scarily so XD
Sylvara @sylvara
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What's your zodiac sign?
Sylvara @sylvara
@Dragon: Fursuits?
natthedragon @natthedragon
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What's your zodiac sign?
natthedragon @natthedragon
Well his fursuit. Mine is....a special project.
Jinsei @jinsei
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What's your zodiac sign?
Jinsei @jinsei
A funny thing about the eternal battle between Scorpios and Sagittarius: my mothers a Sagittarius. I hate to say it but there was always some competition there... for some reason...
natthedragon @natthedragon
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What's your zodiac sign?
natthedragon @natthedragon
It truly is a love/hate relationship
Sylvara @sylvara
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What's your zodiac sign?
Sylvara @sylvara
@Jinsei: Maybe cause of the eternal battle that influenced your relationship? Astrology works in mysterious ways XD
natthedragon @natthedragon
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What's your zodiac sign?
natthedragon @natthedragon
@Sylvara: we have a love/hate relationship sometimes too X3
Sylvara @sylvara
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What's your zodiac sign?
Sylvara @sylvara
@Dragon: Yes but it also known that Pisces and Sagittarius tend to be dreamers so we both have different views on how we see the world XD I have love my imaginary places! They take me to a happy future XD Well, that and I'm pretty sure we clash cause we've known each other for a while XD
natthedragon @natthedragon
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What's your zodiac sign?
natthedragon @natthedragon
@sylvara: all in good fun though. And yes sagittarius are big dreamers. Especially career wise.
Sylvara @sylvara
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What's your zodiac sign?
Sylvara @sylvara
@Dragon: I think that's why we clash sometimes XD Sagittarius dream of the future, Pisces just dream to dream XD At least I do anyway XD
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