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Lifestyle Fitness!

Oct 15, 15 at 1:04pm
this is an awesome thread! well done :D i am also a qualified personal trainer, but i only work as one in my spare time now... work on the family farm instead XD
Oct 15, 15 at 1:41pm
Thanks unique guy!! All the credit goes to Veruccassault though. Once people knew I was a trainer and in shape, I started getting lots of questions. So she made me make this thread - she's one smart cookie cuz now I get all the questions in one place.
Oct 15, 15 at 7:11pm
@arc, veruca, and frost The illusive adonis belt and the even more incredible 8 pack. There is a reason so many guys (and women) want to be able to display them every summer. It is the very definition of sex appeal. If two guys go to the beach, one of them is 150lbs with a decent musculature but a killer midsection, complete with wash board abs, and the other guy with a massive rock hard chest and herculean arms, but he's packing a gut. Who do you think a majority of women would go for? The answer is simple enough, but how is it possible to obtain such a physique? Bodybuilding competitions now include a physique category for guys how want to keep an aesthetically pleasing bodies with broad shoulder and a v-tapered torso. The abdominal muscle (abs), or rectus abdominis is actually made up of 8 segments already, divided by a tissue called the fascia. But that is only part of the core musculature. There is also the internal and external obliques (to the side of the body, on either side of the rectus abdominis) and the transverse abdominis (which resides behind the rectus abdominis). http://www.abs-exercise-advice.com/images/Muscle-anatomy.jpg However, when dealing with the core musculature, you must take into account that there are many other muscles that play vital roles, such as the lower back and upper legs. So when thinking about developing the core to it's full potential, you must consider the body as a whole and target the abs from different directions. The core should be engaged in almost every exercise you do, it is just that, the very core of the human movement system. But enough scientific talk, the reason why everyone is reading this is to learn how to develop the best 8 pack before the summer. The number one thing to remember when working the core, is to activate the muscle, DO NOT just go through a movement. If you are doing a leg raise, never just swing the legs, hold the legs stead and contract the abs to bring the legs up. Think about if you are about to be punched in the gut, instinctively you'd brace you abs, and that is exactly what you should be doing when working with the core. You can also draw in your stomach, which works more of the transverse abdominis. But either method has plenty of benefits. So here are a couple exercises that you can all incorporate into your usual abdominal routines. 1. Side planks (with leg raise - optional) Beginning http://celebrityfitness.menshealth.com/celebrity-fitness/uploads/sideplankreachunderA.jpg End http://bodybuilding-wizard.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/side-plank-variations.jpg The abs don't need heavy weights to respond, you can work them out just fine by doing about 3 sets of 20 reps on each side. 2. V-ups http://media.details.com/photos/55e9d114b761f3fa1980b56b/master/w_768/health-fitness-exercise-201408-adonis-belt-workout-3-tighten-your-belt.jpg Simply bring a medicine ball, or any light weight will do, and lie down fully extended. Then bring both your arms and legs up until they get close to touching. Again, do about 3 sets of 12 reps. 3. Moutain climbers http://www.womenshealthmag.com/sites/womenshealthmag.com/files/2014/04/21/no-crunch-10_0_0.jpg (this pic is for you Arc!) This one is simple yet challenging, and definitely gets a burn going in both the abs and legs. Simple get into a push up position, and then bring one leg up to meet the elbow of the same side. Then do the opposite leg. Do it fast enough were you can still do it with good form. 4. Russian twist https://31.media.tumblr.com/3b1387189099c2d425debb50981cfa39/tumblr_mmclr2BEpq1s6wlblo1_500.gif This is another simple yet very tough exercise. It blasts the abs from the transverse plain (rotational movement). Simple rotate your torso. You don't even technically need to use weight or elevate your feet. Master the movement first, and then progress to a harder difficulty. These are only some of the easier examples of core exercises, I tried to pick out the simplest ways to hit the core from every angle possible. There are thousands of other variations of these exercises, as well as many others that can be incorporated into your work out. Another few things to note are fat burning exercises like total body moves that incorporate a wide range of muscles. An example would be the squat, to curl, to press. http://www.undergroundfitnessrevolution.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/squatcurlpress-300x233.jpg Also you can torch fat by doing a circuit routine, usually this entails working out the entire body on each gym session, but instead of resting between sets, you go through all the exercises as a circuit with little to no rest. So, you could do a set of lunges, then a set of v-ups, then a set of pushups, then a set of shoulder raises, and maybe some curls. Take a short break and then do the circuit again. The key here is intensity, you want to push yourself to sweat as much as possible. So with all this in mind, keep on training and I am expecting to see all you guys rocking some killer abs by the summer! http://npcnewsonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/mensfinals.jpg
Guy to the far right literally looks like an action figure of a pro wrestler lol
The physique I want if I can get a decent scheduled job to allow me a good workout/eating/sleeping schedule. Rain from Ninja Assassin: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/1c/27/62/1c2762d00e83df19e7d3b8b9dd725d30.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/de/30/cb/de30cbf5d2fcac84f33aa4e5446e428f.jpg http://i614.photobucket.com/albums/tt226/mugiwaranosaga/Ripped-Rain-in-Ninja-Assassin.jpg http://img09.deviantart.net/d8c9/i/2010/210/2/1/rain_in_ninja_assassin_ii_by_chandrakala.jpg
Oct 16, 15 at 11:27am
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@혼혈 Jeff is definitely the expert here (Hi, Jeff!) but the most common exercises for a dumbbell would be a curl and a kickback. The bicep curl involves what you typically see -- you grasp it with palm facing in front of you, and curl upward, maintaining good posture and keeping your elbow to your ribs. Variations include whether you tilt the dumbbell facing inwards or outwards, and also you can twist the dumbbell as you return on the repetition (kind of like how you twist your hand when you punch). This complex movement can work a greater group of muscles in a shorter amount of time, depending on what you need. The tricep kickback involves you holding the dumbbell length-wise, and standing in a position similar to a runner's stretch. Here, you start leaning over (with good posture) with your arm at a 90 degree angle, and keeping your elbow fixed you slowly extend your arm until it straightens out, working the tricep. As poorly explained as that was, you can probably just find a video tutorial on YouTube. Also, the 10 lb. dumbbell's results will vary depending on what your maximum weight to lift is.
Oct 17, 15 at 12:47pm
So this entry is partially a dare, and partially some serious thoughts. I have always been somewhat fascinated by Richard Simmons. For someone his age (he has upwards of 50 work out videos), he has incredible energy levels and still remains in very decent shape. It has always blown my mind how energetic and charismatic he was, and still is to this day. He is doing what he enjoys and helping people better themselves. The key to his workouts are just to simply move. Any time that is spent away from the computer or television screen, and replaced by movement and some form of activity will have myriads of benefits. His foremost rule to weight loss is "to love yourself." I agree wholeheartedly with this philosophy. Exercise, dieting, and just being active is all about loving yourself and who you are. Health benefits abound when you begin to diet or exercise; it helps to improve quality of life for yourself and those around you. So just get out and do it! https://youtu.be/cNsEvSyUd74 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/81Vp2dSF08L._SL1500_.jpg
Oct 17, 15 at 7:01pm
@Krillin Total Body Routine Perform this routine twice a week for the first two weeks. Perform each set once before moving on to the next exercise. Complete all the exercises, resting 30 seconds in between each exercise. Once all the exercises are completed, start back at the first exercise and repeat all the exercises again. Exercise List 1. Total Body Warm Up - Step up to single arm press (5 reps on each side) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJjx9ZzlMIE - This is gonna be a warm up to get the heart rate up. A chair would probably work well for the step up portion. Just go very slowly and focus on form. 2. Calf - Calf Raise (15 reps) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJwRFpRXZzY - The key here is the stretch, you want to lower your heels as far down as possible before fully extending your leg upward. If you don't have stairs, you can use a thick book as well. 3. Glutes and Quads - Deep Squats (10 reps) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCwN5EletTs - Again, focus on form, and no weight is needed, just lower yourself as low as is comfortably possible. Keep your back upright, feet FLAT, and knees strait ahead. You can hold on to a railing or something to allow yourself to comfortbaly squat without losing balance as well. 4. Core - Planks (30 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSHjTRCQxIw - Make sure you brace your abs as if you are about to be punched. Remember to breathe deeply. This will strengthen your core, making pushups easier down the line. 5. Bicep - Single Arm Hammer Curl (8 reps) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waU3ZbA1cNs - Slow and steady with this one: keeps elbows tucked into your side, about mid way up, start to rotate the forarms to bring the hands palms up. (Supination) 6. Chest and Triceps - Push Up (10 reps) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NECcLiefy0M - Keep your core as tight as possible, work slowly, if it helps video record yourself so you can watch your form. Keep your elbows behind your shoulders. 7. Back - Single Arm Bent Over Row (10 reps) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfeeNQWbZ6Q - Make sure to bring your arm up and squeeze your back muscles at the top position. Try using a chair or sofa, but you don't have to, you can rest one arm on your leg as well, just keep the back strait and not rounded over. 8. Shoulder - Single Arm Front Raise (8 reps) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-t7fuZ0KhDA - Do not just drop the weight, but slowly lower it back down. When all the exercises are done, rest two minutes and repeat a second time. Learn to feel out the muscles. "Train the muscle, not the movement." Don't think about lifting weights in the sense of going from point A to point B. Instead, learn how to effeciently use the muscle to perform each exercise. I labeled the exercises main muscles so you can think about what muscle you should be using to perform the exercise. The work out hits nearly every main muscle group so you should be able to gain some solid muscle. After two weeks, you can increase the amount of sets, so instead of just two sets through, increase it to three sets. Doing the circuit will work the whole body so doing it twice a week will allow the body plenty of time to rest. Make sure to increase the amount of protein and water you are consuming. It will speed the recovery of the muscle. Eat plenty of carbs as well to allow for the energy needed to work out. With that, you should be on your way to having that lean Bruce Lee type of body. http://www.workoutlikebrucelee.com/wp-content/uploads/bruce-lee-flexing-look.jpg
Awesome job lux!
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