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just broke up with someone and i feel like death

i jst broke up with a girl i met on this site and we have been dating for about well the 24th of this month would have been are 2 months together. i totally regret breaking up with her and i cant stop crying and i cant go to school cause this pain is so bad i have never felt like this before. i have even cut myself and dont tell me to get help cause i likely wont do it again last night was extremely painfull so i didnt know what else to do. i want her back really bad but i doubt that will happen im such a dumb fool for what i did. are relationship wasnt really going well she was very depressed for like the past month and i couldnt deal with it anymore all she would talk about is how much she hated herself but now i really miss that depressing her i really want a second chance but that likely wont happen. im trying to find a girlfriend cause mabie that will fill this emptiness inside me.
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What do I do with the like wrist band and stuffed animals and a string I have on my foot she gave me and all the pictures on my phone of her
No offense but mybe you should start looking or your self and start working on that. I meam just like 2 weeks ago you were talking about having sex with her and it's not all about that it's having trust in your seld and to love your self. And don't cut your self that not going sovle anything except one day you would die from it then you just wasted time...
Oh so you read that other post well you see things were going excellent then but then school started and stuff and she changed
If your relationship couldn't last just because of school, then you two aren't cut out for a relationship yet. What'll happen when you two get jobs? That's way busier than school.
I planned on moving into her appartment when I turn 18 but that won't work now since were no longer together
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No so for about the past 2 weeks she has not wanted to Skype me I couldn't he get to talk to me and when I did all she said was I'm fat and ugly and I don't deserve you and I could literally argue for hours but she wouldn't listen I just was not happy at all and she was depressing me more and more every day but I realize I shouldn't have given up so easy and now I pay the price
I am in no way saying this isn't my fault I just need some advice getting over It
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