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Have you ever been friendzoned?

Sep 18, 15 at 8:39pm
Given the general populace of this site, I'd think a good majority of people on here have been friend zoned at least one if not more, myself included. XD
ive seen a lot of women complaining about guys lately on my facebook or saying "I wish i had a nice guy, my ex was an asshole cheater." https://www.facebook.com/Getemhuskey/videos/503065846526971/?pnref=story ^^^ this pretty much sums up friendzone. Yes i've been friendzoned by the same women that are described above, months later they wanna take me out of the friendzone. Me? i'm like "i'm fine staying in the friendzone"
Sep 19, 15 at 12:25pm
While I don't 100% agree with mr. huskey in that video and it's by no means a blanket statement, I do think there is a bit of truth to it as well. I have a very attractive female friend I asked out a number of years ago, and she more or less wasn't interested then or isn't now as far as I'm aware. I honestly don't talk to her much these days outside of occasional chats/posts on facebook since we're both pretty busy with work. Since that time 4-5 years ago when I was shot down, she's been with a handful of men and frankly, they've all been your atypical attractive douchebags. Talk a great game, maybe even seem decent on the surface and have some things going for them, but at the end of the day end up being shitty boyfriends who more or less use her for sex. None of her relationships have lasted more than six months or so. Fortunately she's still pretty young only being in her mid 20's and hasn't gotten pregnant since she's pretty smart about things, but she judges people on a rather superficial level, so it's really no wonder she's had so much trouble finding a decent guy. Now, to be fair to criticism of the other side of the coin, the "nice guys" tend not to do themselves many favors either. There is truth to the fact some expect to get a gf just by being nice to someone, and then they wonder why they never can find a relationship.
Being nice doesn't always equal wanting a relationship. I'm generally a nice person to all people id do the same for a guy as I would a girl, maybe it was my military background plus how i was brought up. Women confuse my kindness sometimes for wanting to date, so they auto friendzone me assuming I wanted to date. I'm like "okaaay?". Like there was this one time I was talking to a friend and she's pretty cool, we were constantly talking and messaging, shared the same interests and she pretty much seemed like a sister. So one day I asked her for some womanly advice, and asked how can I go about asking a girl I liked out? I get a long message about how a nice guy I am but she's not ready for a relationship and i'm like "uh...okaaay?!?!" Of course I didn't want to go there and burst her bubble and say "It's not you" but honestly can't guys just have female friends without it all being about dating? Also guys fall for this shit too, guys will date a hoe and overlook the nice chick who is always there to help you. I pretty much agree with mr. huskey because even my ex's who i got out of the friendzone dumped me for these Retards and then when shit went sour they want to go back out, I always say "no" because I learned and realize that if men or women can't look passed looks and are immature like that. And they prefer to date the bad girl or bad guy then they deserve what they get, and genuine people should not go chasing after blind people, their time will come. As for your situation, I wouldn't even chase that girl. She don't seem to have her shit together. I stopped bothering with immature women like that.
Sep 19, 15 at 12:53pm
I think I've seen her face to face twice in the last year and haven't hung out with her even in a group setting in over a year, so I don't really do much in that regard. I'm not one to waste time pursuing someone who clearly isn't interested. I did that enough in my late teens and early 20's to know it's a waste of time. To be fair to her when I did ask her out, I was 30 and she was 21, so the age gap might have turned her off a bit as well, but it's hard to say really. She's been asked out by a lot of guys and even had a similar situation you described with a friend of mine who was just being nice to her and she assumed it was just because he was trying to get with her and she kinda awkwardly came out and confronted him about it. It wasn't the case at all and he was dating someone else at the time.
But you know what? What the hell is wrong with being friends anyways?
Just a couple of funny posts about the topic. https://41.media.tumblr.com/0243abc18eddba201d8cf83a0b0e008f/tumblr_nusqpv8B611shb0boo7_1280.jpg https://40.media.tumblr.com/607717128419d71ef0bdb728c4d44aec/tumblr_np1mlb9YHx1qzd4nho1_500.jpg
Sep 23, 15 at 8:16am
What friendzone? Some people define that term rather broadly.. To me the only situation where friendzone would actually make sense is when two people have been very good friends for a long time (at least a couple of years), one wants to move it to a romantic level but the other turns them down in order to protect the friendship. And even then the other person has the chance to leave anytime instead of complaining about the friendzone. Never been in a situation like that though.. luckily. As for turning people down and offering to stay friends to not harm their ego too much... Done that a couple times. Never been on the other end though since I have never asked anybody out.... Never try, never fail, 'ay?
Sep 23, 15 at 2:32pm
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