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what to do... pervs...

so im no prude or anything, but im having some trouble telling the difference between pervy flirting and scumbag trash. ive only been in one really long fail af relationship sooo idk how to diffuse the situation either.... haaaalp
Is there anything way that can assist you? I see your issue and I'll be happy to help. ^u^
Aug 23, 15 at 1:22am
uhhhh....hmmmm maybe do a test whith each guy. a sort of mental manipulation to make him show his true colors quickly. any guy who wants a woman after 20 seconds usually only wants her for 20 seconds....thats what my mom used to say.
well these kind of comments are always sexual but they say things like they want a girl and that they arent JUST a perv but seriously aaaaaalways sexual edit: oh i could never pull off something like that lololol
Guys are guys :/ but, I'm not openly perverted I usually let the girl start that kind of conversation then I'm all in but, If guys are blatantly being naughty then they are a pure bred creep :P
hehe i guess that could be one side of it
Aug 23, 15 at 1:31am
Well if all they have to say is something sexual then something along the lines of "im not like that" thats a good enough to tell right there. Its one thing to like make a comment sometimes (ie. a joke or something semi relevant to the conv) and another to just outright act like a pig. If in the first 2-3 times you talk to the person its not a real convo is purely sexual just be honest with the person. Let them know that they're making you uncomfortable/ or you no longer wish to communicate with said person.
Zen's got it right
I've think I what you're talking about.
i shoulda realized this i just dont wanna hurt anyones feelings i mean he doesnt do public comments or even read the forum posts
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