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qustion for all

@xueli ROFL - That clip is perfect. I think I'm gonna need to mainline at least 3 cartridges of TS after seeing that. It is amplified to the n-th degree for comedy but yes that is exactly what I see happen to some. Hell it happened to me once upon a time but I learned my lesson.
Thank you everyone for ur feed back. Last few dates weren't so bad only ended up with one person who thaught it was ok to lie about being single the other girls where pretty nice once a get more then a afternoon off I'm hoping to go out with them again
You do not need to trust girls but you need to doubt them. Let them know everything about you is like reading you like a book. Don't let yourself too easy to be read but don't let it too hard also. Girls are different from us boys being simple. It also depend on what do you see them and what make yourself attract them. Love has nothing to do with what you want since love has long gone the river. There is no such thing as love anymore just find a girl that you have fun with and if you feel good with her then you can commit to the relationship. Being serious will only backfire you since girls do not like it too serious. It is sad but true girls never care about their partner but themselves. Girls decide whether they want you or not. Not the boys opinion and will never will. Your opinion don't matter what makes them happy is what matter.
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