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Do you consider yourselves attractive?

I'm attractive but not drop dead amazing
Indeed I do >:3
How'd I know Afro-Zen was gonna post here.
i mean i'm no model but i'm not hideous right?.....right?.....annnnd i'm hideous.
^ Good one, I need to borrow your face.
Not in the slightest, The only thing i can offer is personality and loyalty, with the personality part not being that great either.
I'm not ugly no. I consider myself pretty average in the looks dept. I'm probably about 25lbs heavier than I should be, but it's just a matter of losing it by staying committed to exercising and eating better which I actually have started to make an effort to do.
Good shit Cecil. I've only very recently decided to cut soda out entirely. It's been really hard, though.
Cutting soda is a first good step. In the past 5 months, I've probably had maybe three cans and that's due more to it being the only beverage option when I was out or with friends. I'm 99% water and milk (mainly for cereal) with the occasional juice. I didn't lose any weight cutting it out because I still wasn't exercising much but I also stopped gaining when I did eliminate it completely. I've been about a week into my daily working out and it's been a bit tough to start getting back into that groove again, but so far I feel a lot better and that I'm actually starting to do something about things.
Hell no I look like some freaky goblin. xD
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