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Do you consider yourselves attractive?

I don't think I'm going to win any male model awards anytime soon, but I don't think I'm an ugly looking guy either. Just kinda average. :P
As with anything, the more effort you put into it, the better the results.
I don't consider myself very attractive, maybe average at most.
Hmmm, I dont consider attrative only when I get ready to hang out or a party I think I look average I hope lol but what make me feel not atractive is cuz im fat but im hitting the gym doing this special diet and I lost 15 pounds in a week xD
@Rosie That's great! Stay motivated and work hard :)
Rosie you need to tell me what diet your doing cause I've been dieting and excersising for a month and I've only lost 7 T_T
I don't see myself being attractive, but doesn't hurt to keep trying XD
@aoiyosei its called Yoli you go to www.betterbodysystem.com its kinda expinsive but way worth it! My boss sells them and he had a friend that tried it and he got super slim Im on my second week I think im losing more cuz I hit the gym monday thru friday weekends are my days lol :p
Oh those... be careful long term those type of diets can cause heart problems, hair loss and other nasties that I won't go into. Great for loosing the weight but a lot of people put it straight back on. I swim at the moment a few times a week and do zumba at home. We have an equivilant to Yoli in the UK I was thinking about trying it but need to check on the intake you can't healthily go below 1200 calories unless under medical supervision.
Its only one month my boss is trying it and he is a chiropractor if it was bad I dont think he would of taken it but who knows when I lose the weight im going to turn vegan and workout alot so I can have a hot body;) lol good luck on your weight loss:)
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