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Do you consider yourselves attractive?

I'm not too sure. ._.
^ Same as Mochii; I'd rather just someone tell me if I am or not, make it easy on me, lol. As for date-worthy traits? Umm, some say I sing good (specially when it comes to spanish songs because...well...I speak spanish). I remember we did a karaoke night on a ventrilo server when I played TERA, and one of the guys in the guild I was in was always saying he didn't want to sing if I was there, because all the girls were already fawning over me XD And I guess another one would be I'm a romantic at heart.
^_^ I think so, yes. I've never wanted to fall into the horrible stereotype of "anime fan" so I've always strived to maintain a clean, pretty appearance. I'm a bit of a prep so I do the makeup, hair, and clothes (this parts a bit of a challenge, as most my sizes are children's sizes haha!) But it's not just about looks, it's about confidence! You gotta love what ya got - and if you don't, I think it doesn't hurt to do something about it until you do love the person staring back at you. :) this doesn't pertain to just appearances, either.
I think that i'm fairly attractive. Not ladies man attractive but decent enough to pull some girls who are single and LF a relationship...
Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.. one week i feel really pretty and the next week I feel ugly XD.. I think I'm probably about average, I don't know. I feel pretty at the moment though! :D but by tomorow I'll feel ugly probably
That's a hard question, I think I'm decent looking, but attractive is in the eye of the beholder. to some I guess I could be considered attractive, to others possibly not so much. I don't generally gloat about my appearance unless I'm joking with my friends. Would be nice to have some outside encouragement about my appearance though.
Of course. And self confidence is the soul of sexyness.
Not with my dorky face and paunch.
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