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Are you happy being single.

I hope so I fell love it's hard these days
May 16, 16 at 11:22am
My logic sit sands if you are not happy being single then you could never be happy in a relationship. If your unhappy being single then it shows to anyone that your undependable and not a good person to be with because you bring a lot of emotional baggage. And no one want to deal with that. That why I'm happy being single.
Well not me I'm well special
and i just found out my bf in the hospital has a less than 50% chance of making it so yay......FML
Oh he o man not yeah I'm so sorry for you are you going to be alright
This must be very tragic for you don't worry I feel your pain the same when some close to me almost died
i doubt it i suffer from severe depression and it was only because of him that i didnt kill myself and started eating and working again but like i said karma isnt real so im not surprised ive know that this so called god hated me but my bf had nothing to do with this
i doubt it i suffer from severe depression and it was only because of him that i didnt kill myself and started eating and working again but like i said karma isnt real so im not surprised ive know that this so called god hated me but my bf had nothing to do with this
Man it looks very tough for you I felt the same way
i want to kill something and go back in time its my fault he got in the accident probably i texted him when he was driving even though i shouldnt have im such an idiot
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