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Attack on Titan's name translation

I was told me once that Shingeki no Kyojin was like a Japanese translation of Titan Jaeger in German...or was it Dutch? Anyway that made me think that it would be more appropriate for the English name to be something along the lines of Titan Hunters. Which would make more sense unless the creator was thinking of Attack on Titan to mean bringing the fight to the titans. Is there any truth in what I was told? Am I mistaken in my guess? I am absolutely single-lingual so anyone with a better understanding of language please enlighten me. Thank you.
Jaeger is German. In Dutch it would be 'jager'. :P
I German is it said they speak German? I thought it was something else. Like Mexicans speak Spanish.
>I German is it said they speak German? ... Say what now?
German folk speak German my friend xD @Hikki, it looks like he was asking if the German language was actually German like the Mexicans speak Spanish or the French speaking French.. could be wrong but thats what i am seeing
Sorry, "In Germany" Umm I meant when the national language doesn't match the nations name. Ie Mexicans/spanish, Americans/english, Germans/_____? Just wasn't sure if the German language was called German or not considering that they say Deutschland instead of Germany. I don't know much about language.
In Deutschland we speak deutsch. (Deutschland = Germany so deutsch = German) And yeah.. Jäger/Jaeger is German. But if I can trust google "shingeki" does indeed mean attacking and "kyojin" Titan. So the translation "Attack on Titan" makes more sense than "Titan Hunters".
Deutsch = German Dutch = Netherlands Except stuff like Pennsylvania Dutch, which is a corruption of Deutsch. :P
@hikki Ahhhhhhh is see. Didn't know the Deutsch/Dutch difference, thanks. @xynox I was curious if "shingeki no kyojin" is a German to Japanese translation of "titan jaeger" (which I was told as much (because it appears in the intro song) but am not sure of)and if its accurate then (assuming the show is written in Japanese but the characters are supposedly speaking German) would it be that if Japanese wasn't involved an accurate translation would be "Titan Hunter?" Sorry to all if I'm not making sense.
michaelw - Yeah, if SnK is a direct translation of 'Titan Jaeger' then the English translation would be 'Titan Hunter(s)'. I must admit that Attack on Titan has a certain flair to it though.
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