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Who's sick of cory/yuki creeping around more than i do

So you deleted your original post but now it looks like my post is the first post and now I'm gonna get more hate.
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word of advice no one add kawaiivampdollqueen Ananis. Since i first made this account ive seen nothing but drama with this person. Which im happy you didnt accept my friend request. But like every comment you put on here show more and more how you are the main source of this all. Instead of being mature and just not letting it bother you , but instead looks like you went on to others who had the same problem with the same guy but at least it affected you the most. And by the way you made this site directly towards cory and keep telling other people who question it to speak to danny and xynox to defend your case.sounds pretty dumb. point blank your drama for doing all of this and blowing up everyone's feed with nonsense. your a pretty pathetic for doing this,shows how a little freshman you are. Grow up. and those who are friends with me . message me losers . dont get involved with this stupid fake account and annoying attention Ananis begs for. k :D
Who made the thread if it wasn't donnie? O.o
^Ananis did, but then she deleted a bunch of her posts, including the first one.
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This account has been suspended.
@laiiana: Ananis did nothing wrong, but was just trying to stand up for others. I don't see anything wrong with that. ^u^
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