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why do people here have 10+ pictures of random anime bullshit and 0 pictures of themself?

@xynox this Cory sounds ominous. Is he a ghost? >What did I expect? Was not that! I do know how depraved people can be but still... Didn't expect it to be as rampant as you paint it. I thought they would keep it mostly to creepy chat rooms and porn forums or something. @Ananis Sorry I get easily bored just looking at a digital dictionary. Thank you though.
I wish he was.. He then at least wouldn't be able to click that forsaken "Add friend" button anymore. Yeah, the world is a scary place. And unlike in real life in the sphere of the internet those crazy people don't hide any of their thoughts. That's one of the downsides to anonymity. People can say whatever they want because nobody will hold them to justice for it. I at least don't want the victims to be blamed. While a provoking picture might make it seem more acceptable to be a rude asshole any possible damage done to the victims psyche or even health is still the predators responsibility.
Maybe they're really shy or not confident in their selfie taking skills. Or maybe they're younger or wish to keep themselves and their lives private because they want to feel safer from scary internet predators. I know I was in that boat once.
I'm not the most the attractive person, in fact I consider myself far from being attractive. But I still put pictures up of myself (even my dog as well :3) because after all it is a "dating" site. So obviously people will be curious to see what you look like. Some people don't mind showing others what they look like. Other people might be afraid of being judged, or just simply don't want other people to see them. But thanks for making this topic Donnie, I am also curious to see peoples take on this.
I have a mix of me in cosplay my normal self and commissions made of me. I cover the bases.
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