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Hi, hello, konnichiwa!? ^-^

Welcome to MO! Hope you like it here ^^ http://radbot.net/shared/post_media/images/full_sized/24133.png
Thank you! I do! :D
Jul 04, 15 at 9:52am
Oi oi ^^ konichiwa. Welcome to MO... hope you like it here... it'll be so much fun to talk about the same interests indeed.. The site is amazing... hope you get along well...what's your fav anime doe ?
Thank you very much, Voli. So far i am loving it, it is a very fun and interesting place. The people are an amazing bunch and that's just the very few i've met, can't wait to keep it up. As for my favorite anime, man..thats a tough one. Too many man, too many. If i had to choose just one at the moment then i'd go with Vandread. That was my very first real anime and i love it haha.
Jul 04, 15 at 2:06pm
I'll add vandread to my list :3 thanks for the suggestion ^^
Dive right in, it's like a pool, except you can swim at any time
@Voli, oh definitely! Give it a shot and see if it interests you haha. What about yours, any favorite or favorites? @Creations, great! I love swimming :D What's your favorite?
Jul 04, 15 at 2:29pm
Darker than black, code geass, dragon ball z(vegeta is a god ♡).. These hit me hard emotionally x)
Vegeta, definitely gotta love him xD And i shall be adding those 2 to my list as well. They seem very interesting. Ty for the suggestion as well :D
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