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the most terrible anime you've ever watched

@nipplord i've actually been wanting to watch one piece for awhile now, i think i'll take your advice on that though, stop at the impel down arc then switch. drives me nuts when pacing is hella slow. what a weird way to make an anime though lmao
Yooo, I couldnt stand Chobits. But another one I hated, but just about everyone loves, was Toradora. I don't know why but I hated it. I also really didn't like SAO. It was such a disappointment to me. The way it was advertised was like "you're stuck in a game where you can't log out but if you die in-game, you die in real life" but then like more than half the anime was just Kirito having a harem, or him being in a cabin with Asuna pretending to be a lovey dovey married couple, or them playing parent with Yui (or whatever her name was). And I really liked the parts were Kirito was good and would wreck shit but then he spend the second half of the first season chasing after Asuna to save her. Which I guess is better than the few episodes they spent in the cabin. Then season two came out and I had hopes it would redeem itself but nope. The GGO stuff was mostly build up and like 10 minutes of Kirito actually doing shit. Then a filler arc that was completely pointless, then a sob story with Asuna and that one girl. I was just expecting it to be bad ass but nope. And what's up with having Asuna be introduced as a bad ass and then just ending up as a housewife type character? Anyways, enough of that. xD I wouldn't say I hate One Piece, it's just that Luffy freaks me the hell out for some reason. But,hey! That's just my opinion.
Oh yeah, how about School Days? xD
Too me soul eater and fruit basket I regret x.x
Fairy Tail it's not terrible just didn't understand it like Bleach as well
@sai_cx i didnt like toradora as much as the fandom definitely did, i thought the ending felt kind of rushed too. some of the comedy was funny and i liked how compared to other school life dramas it had more angry action to it, like a bit of beating up eachother kind of stuff, but other then that it wasn't as big of a standout as people make it sound like. i hated how harem-y sao ended up feeling and then the asuna x kirito relationship came out of fuckin nowhere, it felt so rushed. apparently the light novels do a lot better but the anime definitely failed at that. i did kind of like ggo, only because it was doing really well on showing the mental illness asada/sinon was having, however i totally agree with you, it felt like there was all this build up for like a 10 minute action scene. and then theres school days... and then theres school days. ending was a 10/10 tbh @urara i didn't like fruits basket either, theres a lot of hype around it too but for me it just fell flat. like it wasn't anything special at all, seems very typical anime. soul eater though, i did like, although the ending friendship punch was really ???? worthy, i liked the rest of the show, enjoyed the halloween feel to it as well. @ravenjones again, fairy tail is a show i don't really understand all the hype towards. i watched maybe a bit over 50 episodes of it and i don't understand why its so popular. like it's good but nothing so amazing as i feel a lot of people make it out to be
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^He's right y'all motherfuckas need Jesus
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