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"Romatic" First time or "Just Get It Over With" First time?

This one's for all the lads and lasses who are (by choice and/or not by choice) still rockin' they're V-Cards. What would you guys want your very first time to be like? Personaly, I won't mine to be passionate and romantic.
Well, in Latin American culture, it's expected by the time your 15 to be laid. And family members hook you up with prostitutes. Many say their first time was horrible. It's not good for society to pressure young people to have sex. Of course I was laid when I was 16 under a bridge by a woman I didn't give a shit about. Ah, young love.
I didn't know about that, I mean I'm Latin, never once I were forced to be laid, never have been and what I can say is true is that here we take the age of 15 years old as a flower starting to bloom, like the start of a woman life that was once a girl. Most of people here celebrate that age but to be honest I didn't and I just wanted to travel to the USA but due to some family issues and the rennovation of my documents I couldn't go out and I still can't until I am 18 so I'd be able to rennovate my documents alone without the authorization of my parents (the problem was in that they never were really together in the first place so due to some confusions and this country's legal procediments being stupid I couldn't go out).
What I've read, this mostly happens in Central America. In the US, most people lose their virginity at 17. I read up on these sort of things. And while no one is "forced" to have sex (usually), in many parts of the Americas it's socially expected of you. Think for one moment back in high school (or right now if you're that age) of how boys brag about how much sex they get. And for women, you're seen as a whore. But for guys, it is expected to have sex. If you don't, you're seen as a loser. But hey, don't let society dictate your actions.
*sigh* I knew this was gonna happen but oh well. What can you do? Hope to get better answers.
@Darkhorse Nah... just makes ya a MAN-WHORE!!!(echoes).lol There were a quite few opportunities I had to have sex. Even a threesome. I turned them down. Still a virgin*. When I have sex I want it to be with a woman who wants to have sex with me. Not just because I happened to be conveniently around. My time is valuable and I refuse to waste it on activities that will mean nothing to me.
That is true for the most part, but now I'm surrounded by people that just don't care about that so yes, that mostly happens when they reach age 15 or 14 and yes it is mostly applied on boys. To be precise that does not happens only with sex but with the majority of things, for example: in first world countries work, intelligence, cuality are things that are most appreciated but in third world countries things that are appreciated (when one does not form part of the active population of the country) would be how many friends do you have, how many social gatherings do you attend to or how much can you be open. Those are things that with time turn out to be useless (if not mixed with study) against the diary life of an adult.
There is a plus side to losing your virginity asap. When you meet the person of your dreams, you value it more because you know what bad sex is like. So take it from me- get a banana, learn how to put on a condom, find a willing partner, and have meaningless sex. Then actually find someone you give a shit about
Due to me being the picky type of girl, I want my first time to be romantic of course, I don't want to ever have bad memories of something like that. It is private and knowing I have my own beliefs I respect, I would rather miss any chances to do that when I know is not gonna leave a nice memory behind. That answer depends a lot on the type of people that give a response. If I was on someone's else shoes, someone more open to sex, I guess I wouldn't mind as long as it is enjoyable and of course if I also was trying to forget some disgusting memory I just would choose or wait until someone else erases it. Sometimes other people would want to get it over with since it is supposed to hurt or they just feel under the preasure of being a virgin they just want to live the experience whether it will be nice or not. Then again, just a virgin here so don't take this too seriously either.
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