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dating while engaged

Oct 19, 15 at 2:33am
There's nothing wrong with dating someone you're engaged to.
The heart is truly deceptive, she has a few years of growing up to do I hope she does not dig herself into too much of a hole that she does not learn the lesson. But thats just my opinion, I have been betrayed in so many ways that all I can hope is that the future gets better for everyone.
Oct 19, 15 at 3:00pm
Why did he want to date a cheater anyway?
Nov 02, 15 at 2:34am
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You can date a girl who is engage but don't expect a good outcome. Meaning don't fall in love if you ever date one. I personally won't date someone engage but I got no gf so I don't mind dating one to build my confidence....
Nov 02, 15 at 12:55pm
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Nov 03, 15 at 10:16am
Late to the necro party! If they're in an open/poly relationship and he's okay with it, then cool. If he knows about it, wants a monogamous relationship, and still lets her "date" other guys, then he's a dumbass and doormat for letting a girl walk all over him.
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