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Any Advice?

So, there is a girl I work with. I really like her, but the problem is, she is currently in a long distance relationship with someone who is out of state. She is in high school still, just like me. I've decided to look for a different relationship, but deep down, I hope that she brakes up with her boyfriend. I know that is a terrible way to feel, but I can't help it !_!
Mar 22, 15 at 4:56pm
Man if you don't try then you won't know, if she goes along with it then their relationship wasn't as strong as it seem
are you and this co-worker friends? or do you just know her from the workplace?
Mar 22, 15 at 5:19pm
We are friends. Granted, we only got to know each other this year, but we've talked on skype and even played a game last night... with her boyfriend ~_~
Mar 22, 15 at 6:22pm
I've also told her that if she wasn't currently in a relationship, I'd ask her out
Rain @rainx commented on Any Advice?
Mar 22, 15 at 7:07pm
Yeah at that point there's really nothing more you can say. She's obviously more into her current bf despite it being a LDR. My mantra with dating coworkers is always don't bother just because of the workplace drama it can create. And even if something would happen where they would break up, there's no guarantee she'd date you anyways. She obviously knows your interested so there's really not much more you can say. I would suggest eliminating any gaming time with her and her bf just because you don't need to feel like a third wheel. Just be her friend at work and keep looking elsewhere.
Mar 22, 15 at 7:39pm
yeah i'd say respect all forms of relationships. My relationship ended even though it was long distance due to military reasons. if she isn't cool enough to respect her relationship currently, how do you expect her to respect yours? Also Cecil is correct too much work related drama happens
I agree with both cecil and reisudo Its better for you if you look elsewhere.
Mar 22, 15 at 9:55pm
Alright. That's actually part of the reason why I came to MO, hoping to either find someone, or learn how to flirt, ect. TBH, for about a week, I thought I was over her, but we both worked today and we both had a blast at work... dunno if that's weird or not O.o Thanks for the advice everyone! Time to start looking some more.
Mar 22, 15 at 10:17pm
Well if you genuinely like her and could handle just being friends, you could just be friends... You never know if they'll break up or something later on anyway. Of course if you only want to be in a relationship with her, then I'd say just move on.
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