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True Love

Mar 22, 15 at 12:11am
How does it feel like to experience true love? I am just curious and I want to know ya'll perspective. Also please leave a clean comment down below. Thank you guys. ^-^
Mar 22, 15 at 12:17am
Now I b en wondering this for a couple of months now would love to hear peoples inputs on this
Mar 22, 15 at 12:20am
Yay I'm not alone. ^-^
Mar 22, 15 at 12:22am
Same here I thought I was kind of detached
There is no perfect answer I think. I always thought it was a deep love that is reciprocated if not amplified by the other. When you love someone deeply just the thought of them makes your spirit spin about inside and smile. You feel a change when you are together and apart. Love is such an ethereal thing; it is intangible but we can see it's effects on things.
Mar 22, 15 at 12:27am
Love is powerful and even if you love someone you just wonder if she/he is the right person. I do have problems like that before and I am not good with relationships. I just don't know if it's true love or not.
Mar 22, 15 at 12:34am
You can love someone but if it is not returned you can not continue to or suffer unhealthy effects. Many people mistake attraction for love. There is a fine line IMHO. When I start getting feelings for a woman I ponder why I feel that way and what outcome do I expect by getting closer to them. One way to piss a girl off if get in their world saying you are just a friend when you really want more. Attraction happens all the time. The 2 times I would say I had true love.. The first girl was from Finland here as an exchange student. Our eyes met at a club and we both immediately walked up to each other and started dancing as we said hello. We did not talk the first few minutes just looked into each others eyes as we danced(grinding) for about 10 minutes then talked as we took breaks. I was very weak and timid in HS and suddenly became like a bad-ass when our eyes met. Long distance relationships are very hard and it did not last long when she went home my strength vanished too. The other fell in love with me in college while trying to hook her friend up who passed. We worked together in the theater department 2 years and hung out a lot. We were just hanging out at a party talking about random stuff one night and just started making out and became a very long relationship. Even true love can wither and happen more than once.
Mar 22, 15 at 1:00am
OMG... That's so beautiful. ^-^ I'm happy for you.
Mar 22, 15 at 1:09am
Wow like a movie kind of setting
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