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Ever felt your dreams were just crushed by stupid people?

I can't be the only one, right? I mean, it's been a gradual thing happening to me lately, but just now I kind of... had the last of it. I just gave up on my virtual shop(my only source of personal income) because I am just so sick of how it's become. Sick of all of the people complaining about things, giving 1-star reviews for things that aren't even my fault. People leave low ratings because they couldn't figure out how to wear something... Like rating the dress you just bought 1-star because even if you loved the quality, you somehow could not figure out how to wear it, and didn't even bother to ASK for HELP, and figure you should blame the maker even though they included instructions which you did not even bother to read. This has been a regular thing, and it is a problem that many other creators also face, but when the majority of the reviews are negative and leaving your item's overall rating at a pathetic 2-3 stars, you know something is wrong. All those negative reviews piling up really pile up the amount of stress I feel. I used to brush it off as just someone being stupid, but to have so many people who are doing this... I am here watching my emails in-case someone asks me a question, and nobody who posts negative reviews has even once bothered to message me about it. What makes it worse, is that my shop USED to be the top anime-related shop in that world, and I USED to earn up to $300 a month(now I earn between $5-$50 a month), and now it's like nobody really knows/cares about it anymore, because my stuff is not up to date with the latest technology(scripts which do things automatic or make it user-friendly). So, I feel like it's hard for anyone to really relate to, because it's like you used to be famous, popular, and loved for something, but now you're being thrown away and treated like crap for making stuff that nobody is forced to buy, that I do because I love anime style and love to make things that don't exist, so people who want them, can have them. I feel it's just become a useless effort, and nobody exists to appreciate my work anymore. I just don't know what to do anymore. I feel like I don't have the strength to keep it up and put up with the stupidity of people.
If you are referring to Second Life it is kind of a dying platform and there are a lot of stupid people there.
Yes, actually... I feel so crazy, I can't keep my emotion in control right now. I have made my best friends on Second Life, and there's nothing wrong with them and hanging out normally in SL, but I just can't stand this with the stupid new users who join and expect everything to be automatic. I'm seriously losing my sanity. I've already deactivated stuff from the website that does allow users to rate things, but that still doesn't save me from the feeling of impending doom that I'm done for.
I never made much from building, did better modeling or hosting/dancing. I dropped in there recently and almost all all my old hangouts are ghost towns or gone from the grid entirely.
Yeah, some sims disappear without a trace sadly. Mostly due to their greediness of making sims be apartment-rent-expensive. I remember one guy who had an anime-themed sim, and he would use his Social Security welfare check to pay for it($300 USD a month for a full sim), while living in a trailer home. And then many sims rely on donations from visitors, which is not good if you cannot keep a regular crowd of people donating. I mostly have been around a group called "Club Hatsune", which is a Vocaloid-themed club. It's been around for a long time. It's kind of sad because I used to make Vocaloid stuff like Vocaloid faces/hair/costumes... but then they made some program that lets people just rip off models from MMD, and now people can just steal the models from MMD to make their vocaloid cosplays. Sadly, many people are ripping models from other games as well, and it really infuriates me because it reflects badly on all SL creators, even us who make our models and textures from scratch. It's also extremely disrespectful against the original MMD model's Japanese creators, who already dislike foreigners for their reputation of stealing, ripping, and mutilating their models without permission. Then you have people ripping stuff to upload into SL, and SELLING IT FOR PROFIT WHICH CONVERTS INTO USD. If that's not super illegal, I don't know what is. I think another thing that's been piling on to my stress is that the majority of new people in SL who join the anime communities are just doing it for the hentai/free sex, and not for actual anime... It's upsetting because I used to be able to meet so many cool diverse anime fans there who weren't just into hentai. Now all you see is hentai loli avatars(mostly 20-something year old homophobic perverts who hate real women) running around making orgasm faces and pretty much making me feel ashamed to be female. There are some fujoshi in SL who share my anime interests, but they're really rare, and it's like, just a few small groups. Even then, you may not fit in because either they seem immature, uneducated(weeaboo), or they have a clique vibe. There just aren't enough.
I think I have been there before lol. I mostly hung out at clubs/chat hubs and dodged/sparred with the trolls lol. I still own a 4k plot on mainland as it is cheap and a friend from Japan rents from me. Yeah the stealing was bad when I left SL last time.
people are out there that appricate your work it's just hard to find them over all the stupid people yelling....I actually avoid most of the SLanime people these days... not the same anymore. Watching them talk in group chat just seems weird. I'm still on second life almost every day Mesh killed me off long time ago so i just stick to hang out and helping others, learning photoshop and doing photos. not everyone can do customer service... some people just want to create.
My friend currently works there as a DJ/host, so I do go there whenever she's doing something, if I am free. I don't really run into trolls much, but I guess because I mostly just stick with my friend group or in private sims. I feel kind of sad because I'm unable to support the new sim a friend and I had been paying half each for... I simply don't earn enough anymore. I guess there are still people there who may still want things I make... well I haven't taken my in-world shop down yet... so I guess they can still shop from that. I deactivated everything on the Marketplace website though, because I really cannot stand the hate-reviews, and want people to actually make an effort to contact me if they have issues before jumping to rating it 1 star. I know that nearly half of my sales come from the Marketplace, though... so it may be bad for sales, but my mental health and sanity is at stake here so... that's more important tbh.
I loved Second Life. Though Every time I went there, things changed so much. I used to hang out at a vampire club with great music, but it just disappeared. Also this area that was like fairy land, but that disappeared too. I haven't played recently though.
Aw I love the mesh stuff, it looks better. I hear they are going to make a whole new world so they can start fresh with clean code on a modern graphics engine but keep SL classic as long as it is profitable.
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