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Do you believe in God/s?

All in all, I believe there is still much we humans do not understand and currently cannot comprehend. It is nature in general for living beings on this planet to be afraid of the unknown. As more developed beings, we wish for an explanation to the unknown and constantly look for it. That is how we have became so advanced to this day. Is there a being(s) out there that is controlling our movements? Dictates our future? Created us? That, in MY opinion, is unknown. I tend to think a lot about religion, and the concept of "God". If there is a god out there, then why should we humans decide what he wants, what he deems is "good" or "evil". Every single person has a different belief on what is right and wrong. Who knows, maybe we, ourselves, are our own gods. In the end, I believe there is a being that we cannot currently comprehend, but he does not intervene, nor does he decide who goes to "heaven" or "hell". This God is merely a clock maker, watching his clock work. Should it brake down, he might decide to fix it, or he might just throw it in the trash. That is his call, not ours.
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