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I have this thing called ebola plz love me!

Dude Dalton calm your self its not something you need to get so butt hurt about it. Its a joke and if you cant except some bad shit that people putt on the internet you shouldn't be here, you obviously haven't been on half of the internet.
Are you fucking retarded? I defended you quite calmly. Holyshit.
I think everyone just needs to take a good poop. Then everything will ok.
Ebola im constipated though...
All I see here is a non-otaku, probably going on many dating websites to get a girl but failing because of not knowing the importance of what he is saying. People in Africa are dying in the hundreds from Ebola every day and he acts like it is not important.
@lordsephiroth Please ban lonley_sad_hmu
Aki your probably someone who only watch SAO and think you know everything about anime gtfo
*Sigh* The annoying thing I see is that someone got peer pressured so easily, of course I never got in that position(As far as I remember) but if you're will is strong, nothing can stop you, to fall into the "crowd" that easily shows how weak you are. Stand strong to your own will! Never enslave yourself with such trivial things! And yes, ebola is serious, so whenever you are told to do something so ridiculous, you know they aren't worth your time, and shouldn't obey what they say, because you aren't their bitch, ne? Or maybe you want to be? Oh and this was aimed to hmu.
ichirais comment is 10/10 i would definitely date
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