So what's your valentine's starter pack....?
ThereisnoLion @thereisnolion
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So what's your valentine's starter pack....?
ThereisnoLion @thereisnolion
I had a romantic meeting with my New Majora's Mask 3DS this year. Normally though, I'd play something on my PC, watch some anime and maybe Smash practice.
Semple @noobiesnack
commented on
So what's your valentine's starter pack....?
Semple @noobiesnack
I worked on watching anime and studying for an exam on Monday. I complete forgot what day it was.
@Jineko: your friend needs two hands?
ロイ @wallace614
commented on
So what's your valentine's starter pack....?
ロイ @wallace614
Lol left hand and right hand that person is really handy
I'm only a lefty lol
but yes I work and slept half of the day
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