Smoke? Drink?

DoctorJones7961 @doctorjones7961
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Smoke? Drink?
DoctorJones7961 @doctorjones7961
-Accidental post- x.x

ducksfortea @ducksfortea
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Smoke? Drink?
ducksfortea @ducksfortea
I enjoy drinking, and I smoke when stressed/depressed.

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
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Smoke? Drink?
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
I never had a taste for smoking or drinking. Although lately wine I'll try once every new moon. And I might like rum. Maybe I was a pirate in a previous life lol. I do find smoking completely unattractive. Mainly because of the scent. A girls scent is everything to me. And excessive drinking is a turn off guess is because I could't trust someone who gives up their own control.

Miss_Vera @miss_vera
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Smoke? Drink?
Miss_Vera @miss_vera
I like the small of cigs~~

Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
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Smoke? Drink?
Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
I don't smoke, and hate being in the middle of a giant mist of it. All it does is makes my clothes smell, makes my allergies flare(namely, my asthma), makes food taste weird(since the scent gets on my toungue), and gives me headaches.
Now, I can drink, but I'm not really THAT fond of it, either. Although, I only drink in EXTREMELY rare or proper situations (I don't mind Smirnoff, though). Still, I'd rather just stay away from both smoking and drinking.
For those who DO smoke and/or drink, I don't mind, as long as you aren't doing it near me! Smokers, take it outside. Drinkers, I might join, but most likely not.

Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
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Smoke? Drink?
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
I both smoke and drink, but then again I am definately NOT your typical Otaku.
I have no shame in admitting I smoke weed and even do real drugs on new years eve and during music festivals in the summer, you gotta live life while you have it.

SephysWendy @sephyswendy
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Smoke? Drink?
SephysWendy @sephyswendy
I don't mind drinking, but can't spend too much time around smokers as it makes my asthma flare up badly.

TheOneWhoWishesToFly @theonewhowishestofly
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Smoke? Drink?
TheOneWhoWishesToFly @theonewhowishestofly
I have friends who smoke and thats fine, but I couldn't go out with someone who smokes. I really can't stand the smell after a while.

lizzylubv @lizzylubv
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Smoke? Drink?
lizzylubv @lizzylubv
I really don't care.. If you're an alcoholic, hell no. But I mean, if you drink on occasion, say a party or holiday, I'm all for it. Smoking, agh.. I don't care too much.. I mean, I'd take an addicted smoker over an alcoholic anyy given day! But it's so unhealthy.. I love the smell and always have.. grown up around it :p But I hate how harmful it is.. Personally, I haven't and will not make a habit out of it.

gone @normandy
commented on
Smoke? Drink?
gone @normandy
I don't drink or smoke at all myself. Someone who smokes would be a deal-breaker for me, but not necessarily drinking. Depends if they're a casual drinker or an alcoholic.
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