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How old or young do you go when looking for a relationship?

Well, i'm not really one to ask on THAT subject but if I were to be that person I believe the age range for me would be somewhere around 18-34 http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view8/4539478/mayuri-kurotsuchi-o.gif
I wouldn't suggest anyone under the age of consent for your state lordragna37. Your profile puts you at 18 and that is a legal adult.
That really depends but atm for me5 year differences feels the most comfortable for me so from 23 to 33 ish. But as long it is on legal age if the click is there then why not :) ?
i feel like the girl should be a tad younger, :) so it would be 16-20 for me, but i wouldnt oppose same age either, i dont feel like the girl should be older tho
derpz that seems a little biased. Your opinion I know, but still a little biased. I know that I personally prefer younger, but I encourage my younger brother to date older as he is less mature and needs a more mature woman.
yeah, it would all depend on every individual i suppose, its not that i would have anything against older woman, i just think younger is better ^^
20-32, 38 if he looks young enough and hopefully not boring.
^Oh? I happen to be 38 but look younger... Just kidding, I'm interested in someone else right now...
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