nowaifunolaifu @nowaifunolaifu
commented on
nowaifunolaifu @nowaifunolaifu
hentaixgod @hentaixgod
commented on
hentaixgod @hentaixgod
tfw no waifu
nowaifunolaifu @nowaifunolaifu
commented on
nowaifunolaifu @nowaifunolaifu
PrinceOni @djordan1994
commented on
PrinceOni @djordan1994
Now the kitsune is here!
nowaifunolaifu @nowaifunolaifu
commented on
nowaifunolaifu @nowaifunolaifu
What's up Oni?
PrinceOni @djordan1994
commented on
PrinceOni @djordan1994
Well relaxing from a day of school work. Wbu?
nowaifunolaifu @nowaifunolaifu
commented on
nowaifunolaifu @nowaifunolaifu
Waiting for the school day to start while being without sleep.
PrinceOni @djordan1994
commented on
PrinceOni @djordan1994
Hmmmm sounds about right.
nowaifunolaifu @nowaifunolaifu
commented on
nowaifunolaifu @nowaifunolaifu
It's 6:26am here.
Amrod @amrodcalanor
commented on
Amrod @amrodcalanor
I work nightshift so Im here for the next 7 hours ):
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