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American Girls Or Japanese Girls?

@Koha that makes two of us once more. I sometimes don't want to get out of bed since I feel,it's pointless unless I got work or school. Sometimes I don't want to eat or play video games,doing small things when you're depressed becomes daunting. What's worse is being pressured to be better by your family, sigh.
Mar 18, 15 at 4:46pm
I don't get this thread. It's a little racist if you ask me. I prefer any girl as long as she has a goof heart, is trustworthy, and is loyal
@Tiger Yes, that is the worst ever... When you are bored, but don't feel like doing ANYTHING. It's such a conflicting feeling, and normally a person will just go play a game or watch something, but for me it's like, "I'm too bored/fatigued to play/watch anything". It's like, I am tired, but not sleepy... I feel like it's one of the things that prevents me from finishing a lot of anime and games too.
@Koha wow I guess depressed people really do think alike. There're lots of games,anime cartoons etc. I never finished due to my depression, unless they REALLY pull me in and out of my depression, but that's kind of a rare case unfortunately. Sigh being a kid was so much easier, not having to worry about work,your future, your health etc. What I do to live those carefree days again. Wouldn't you agree?
@Tiger Yeah, being a kid felt so carefree and you weren't under so much pressure to do things.
@Koha indeed. Sigh how I missed them. lol We seemed to have strayed away from the main topic, but seeing it was nothing more than a troll topic, I suppose it's irrelevant. Nevertheless what do you normally do during the day? Do you say you'll do something or somethings and never get to it since you feel unmotivated to do so? that be me. I keep telling myself I'll fire up my Wii U and start playing some games, but never do it, or I would say I'll go back to learning how to program video games via tutorials, and I never do it. I instead get lost in my daydreams. Then time flies by and I'm like shit. sigh the ways of depression and unmotivation it brings.
Yeah, that's a normal thing for me. XD Usually I'm distracted too.
@Koha lol, that's why I took a game dev class in my school, but it's very flawed,I haven't learned jack squat, I'm still at square one, that's one of the reasons why I'm depressed now since the class wasn't what I expected le sigh. I'm too distracted at home as well, so getting around is a challenge unless someone makes me, like earlier my mom asked me to wash the dishes I did it since she asked me, and how my mom bribed me 120$ to visit my older brother in prison with her and my dad. Yeah to make me do something I either need to be asked,forced to,paid to, or at an environment where goofing off is unacceptable. INB4 the obnoxious stigma of us choosing not to do anything by a random member reading this.
I remember going to a summer program for high school students at an Academy of Art to learn video game creation, but it was so short. It was fun though, and they sort of gave us a taste of game art development and game planning design. I don't think I can do any art-related stuff as a job because of depression though. I have no motivation to draw most the time, and I DEFINITELY would have zero motivation to draw someone else's ideas. So I just keep it as a hobby. I understand about needing to be bribed/forced too. My mom always yells and pretty much forces me to do any chores in the house, otherwise I won't do them. I still think it's wrong that she does that though, because she doesn't even thank me or show any gratitude. I am still paying for the house with my entire paycheck(they actually do not let me use ANY of my money unless I beg for specific items and they approve), so... I just don't see why she can't show some gratitude or give some reward. It's one of the biggest reasons I've been trying to overcome it and forcing myself to go through the process of moving out. I feel like part of the things keeping me depressed is my family's restrictiveness. I want to be able to become independant and live how I want to.
My game dev class however isn't 100% game dev, it involves animation and simulation too, but man the class blows balls. I also want game development to be a hobby for me too, I only took the class at hopes of improving my spriting and programming skills, but it hasn't done that for me, all we focused on was 3DS Max then Maya after hearing 3DS Max was becoming obsolete and they pretty much wasted 1/2 of our school year with that, sigh flawed class is flawed, I want to drop out, but then my parents are going to give me bullshit thinking, I don't want to do anything with my life. As for doing things, my folks sometimes thank me, and when I was working I hardly had to give up any of my paychecks to my folks, but I understand the part about wanting to become independent and move out to take care of yourself, unfortunately for me finding a job is nearly impossible, and even if I find work it won't be enough to live off of. I still don't get people who are harsh to people like us when we are TRYING to make a difference in our lives and it fails each time, it gets discouraging and hard to try again or be motivated to go back out there. That's why people like us get depressed because how things aren't really working out. Le sigh.
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