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American Girls Or Japanese Girls?

Lol cuz every hispanic is a chola.
@Wallace614, Rina I think, she was Nicaraguan. XD
Asking American Girls or Japanese girls on an otaku dating website is like dropping fish food into a tank full of fish. I prefer any girl, but if you prefer Japanese girls because of the shit you see on YouTube or anime you're basically weaboo trash, and I mean it. http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/856/753/c89.gif I wouldn't single girls out bc of their nationality.. and whoever says disses American girls and puts Japanese girls on a pedestal, you have absolutely no room to talk when you probably come from America.
Most of them even of they are not cholas they still do it
That's Exactly what I have been saying, @Onii-Ai! I am so glad that someone agrees with me! I even posted the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFQQALduhzA Here is a collection of me on this forum: (yes, I am bringing it back; I am writing a book) i know it goes both ways but this topic is on girls, not boys. seriously, do you know how down a person gets when they find out they have no chance with someone because they are not a certain type? Also, for those who want to date a person who is Japanese, it will be very hard if you yourself re not Japanese because most Japanese women in Japan will only date Japanese men. It is a nationalist thing and their family would prefer it if they married someone who is Japanese. I would get this fantasy out of your head. Feb 22, 15 at 2:35am · Report · Edit Comment But go ahead and talk about how you prefer Japanese girls. This will make it easier for the other girls to weed out the dicks. Feb 22, 15 at 2:38am If you want a Japanese girlfriend, go here: http://friends.jlist.com/welcome/ Not maiotaku, which is an American site and only a few users are from Japan. Feb 22, 15 at 2:42am Cuz a lot of these guys I have seen say "I've never had a girlfriend" or "I'm a virgin" and I am trying to point out maybe they are looking in the wrong place or showing they have no interest in the girls here. Feb 22, 15 at 2:51am I am not nessisarily saying it is bad and evil to have preference but if you are looking for a Japanese gf specifically, you are really looking in the wrong place. That is why I directed you to jlist friends cuz those Japanese girls are actively looking for an American boyfriend. Feb 22, 15 at 2:46pm · Report · Edit Comment And I am not saying this is a guys only thing either. Feb 22, 15 at 2:47pm · Report · Edit Comment I am pretty sure it is mostly based on fantasy. https://www.youtube.com/embed/OFQQALduhzA Edit: Dang, it didn't post it as a link. Skip to 4 minutes and 28 seconds. @yaasshat Ah I see where you are going there. Bu yes, I agree wholeheartedly on objectify cultures, races, and societies. I think it can even go as far as to the point of fetishizing. I understand having preferences but I also think if you aren't getting results in dating or partners and are complaining about it, then that person should maybe make modifications in their preferences. Though, it can be dangerous and harmful to fetishize certain races. And I am not saying having a preference. I am talking about stereotyping people like saying "All Asian women are weak, submissive, soft-spoken etc." or "All Latino men are spicy, passionate, romantic etc." Mar 02, 15 at 2:45pm · Report · Edit Comment No no I mean to have a preference that all people of this certain group are this certain way and I think all of them are like that. Like how there is a stereotype that all Latinos are passionate, romantic, and exotic. Having a preference for Latinos because you associate them with being a stereotype is called fetishing. I say Latino because I am Latina and that is how people will assciated me. Mar 02, 15 at 8:04pm · Report · Edit Comment Happened at least once in here with asch, I can say that much. (To be clear, him calling me voluminous and how I should understand passion and romance) It's kinda like say all blondes are sluts and will do anything or that redheads are exotic. Mar 02, 15 at 8:11pm · Report · Edit Comment Rina I'm not saying it's wrong just to be clear. I just don't understand it. But I am kinda sick of people on here looking for their ideal mate on here and complaining that they can't.
@Wallace I was joking. Cuz I am Mexican?
@Onii-Ai!, Rina I do agree some people will say Japanese because of anime and pop culture, and that does annoy me sometimes, but I think I've grown to just tolerate it. I can tell if someone is going after me for my looks/culture or if they genuinely like me.
Glad to agree with you, I'm just trying to process my thought on why tf this thread was even made like was this a troll thread or something????
@Kohagura I don't know how you can tolerate that??? omg
You are mexican american But better yet American I'm Mexican I was born there
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