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Plus Size Looking For Relationship Thread.

Honestly. Theirs a difference between being a little bigger and actually obese. For one, some people actually can't help their bodies are heavy, no matter how much dieting or exercise they do. Medical problems do exist you know. Second, some people are naturally bigger, but that doesn't make them obese. Obesity is when there's more weight thanks your body's structure can handle. Also, really? Hurting someone cause their bigger? That's very unlikely. Unless their in a very awkward position or have the strength of a bear to crush you, I highly doubt that. Not to be mean, but think before you talk
Even obesity isn't really a good reference point. I've heard a lot of "as long as they aren't obese" since I came here months ago and I feel like many here don't really know what obesity looks like. Look at my pictures. By medical definition, I am obese. No joke, I was 235lbs in those pictures. Surprising isn't it? My knees aren't falling apart, I don't have back problems, I don't crush people, I don't even look much bigger than your average Joe. I can play sports, run, jump, whatever just fine. I don't even have creases in my stomach (ie "fat rolls"). Obesity is not 500+ lbs. It's much closer than you think. With that cleared up, I don't think that obesity should be some magical line at which a person can't date. I've been around many bigger people in my life, some close to 500lbs probably, and they had relationships, kids (no one was crushed in the making of these kids), jobs, etc. Of course when you breach 300 health can become a major concern, but hey, they were happy. And some of them have thyroid problems they can't do much about. They embraced how they are, and it works for them. Yeah it'd be great if they were fit, but that's just not how they are. They may suffer complications, but thats just life. Shit happens. Its not my preference, but I have seen some very beautiful plus size women that I would have dated. Some way out of my league even. Fat doesn't make you ugly, it's how you present yourself with what you have. Sure its not ideal, or even healthy in some cases, but that doesn't make it wrong. If we were all skinny, I'm sure there'd be nitpicking about nose size or freckles or something else stupid. I do encourage people to take care of themselves, bit that entails far more than just weight. A lot of plus size people have plus size hearts. They deserve affection and sex as much as anyone else.
Why are you guys so touchy about it lol. Calm down ;D My friend got injured because he was trying to carry his plus sized girlfriend. Maybe thats what Animefood is referring to? Shit like that does happen lmao Anyways I understand that alot of people have those things that prevent them from losing weight BUT a vast majority dont and just use that as an excuse not to lose weight and better themselves. Now heres a question for all of you. If I got each and every one of you on a calorie tracker where you list exactly what you eat everyday and the exact times at which you eat. You are going to tell me that no matter what you are eating you will stay plus sized? Even if you only eat fat free and homemade In small amounts every 3 hours, cut out all the soda and juice, Only eat turkey meat, drink 7-8 bottles of water a day, No eating past 8 o clock? Example. 1 Half a cup of cereal with milk at 10 am. 1 Whole wheat sandwhich with Turkey and cheese NO SAUCES(Mayo w.e) at 2p.m, A nutrient filled bar at 5p.m, dinner at 7p.m Its all about boosting your metabolism. After that its just self control. No fuck ton of fries or triple whopper from Burger King or a Baconator at wendys.(Thats what I used to eat ;D) Anyways, dont mean to offend cause I was a plus size. SO I know the feel just asking for research purposes.
I already stop talking about it and more people criticize me. You can like it or not but don't put me as a topic. I only trying to give advice and people just gang up on me. Seriously, cyber bully me and I didn't mean any harm. I got feeling too and I regret giving comment anymore.
You would be surprised at how very little I eat, jean. All I had today was a bowl of frosted mini wheats and a few sour patch watermelons to snack on while at work. I'll probably get a veggie burger at bk tomorrow though. Lettuce, cheese and light mayo. I -try- to drink pure leaf iced tea, unsweetened, when I have it, otherwise I drink a different kind of peach tea, my achilles heel, so to speak. It's mostly sugar water but, meh.. it's cheap and gets me through work...and the store doesn't always have pure leaf on sale :(
@KitsuneKouta I was never denying that, I was just putting it at a medical standpoint is obesity is usually when your body is stressing to support your weight. Most of the time, thyroid issues, paralysis, strokes, and medication are a few of the top issues for it. @Jean Rivera You calm down~ :P Naw I'm just stating points. They do happen, but some people (like my self) are total klutzes to start. To answer your question is yes. Your thyroid is what helps dictate the speed of how you breakdown and burn food. If your thyroid is rather slow, it takes longer for that food you consumed to be burned before your thyroid goes towards and fat deposits. There are other issues when people's thyroid doesn't necessarily start to break down fat deposits first like most people's, instead, their thyroid begins to break down muscle mass and organs which should be a last resort for your body to function. Diabetes can cause a person to rather large also since your body doesn't produce insulin or to much of it (Hyper and Hypoglycemia). There are other factors as well such as your liver and other organs that can cause the issues as well. Lastly, @ Animefood I understand you were trying to help, but think before you leap. Sometimes advice can be misguided and not appropriate. True people maybe a bit bigger, but maybe they enjoy being a little larger (or a lot however you see it.) Besides, in many other countries (And even the United States in the olden days,) saw heavier people as a sign of wealth and health. Bigger people were actually more attractive than skinny people because they had food and money so to speak. Secondly, lets flip the table for a moment, there is a thing called being to skinny as well, anorexia is actually as common if not more common in the world. Sounds crazy right? But in reality many people that are skinny, tend to be underweight instead of overweight just like bigger framed people tend to be overweight than underweight. This can also be caused by the same factors as obesity. No one trying to bully you, just chill and pay better attention.
I was planning to ignore it but I keep on getting offended. I do admit I say the squash thing wrong could use a better word. The post only said plus size and I check the definition, it can be oversize or huge build. This already too general so I already stop saying anymore. Don't treat me as if I don't know anything. I appreciate those already stop criticize me but I keep on being refer to as a topic. @silver silent, I'm disappointed you. You keep on saying nobody trying to bully me but you already are. You said, "I highly doubt that. Not to be mean, but think before you talk." Let me say this again, I don't like being the center of topic. I think before I talk and I can bring out facts if you want me to not by Wikipedia and I also hate when I get words put into my face when I didn't even said this. I don't understand why my words were modified or hyperbole. Please stay close to the words and don't try to rephrase it if you don't understand. Also you said about the advice can be misguided. Yes, you can say some advice is not accurate but that is a given resource. You can accept or not is up to you but don't try to discredit it or make assumption. I don't like giving an oral lecture, but I even more dislike getting treated uncivilized like I don't know this and keep embarrassing me or try to give me an anxiety pressure.
@Silver's Silent, I wasn't meaning to contradict your opinion or anything, just clarifying what obesity really is. In general, I don't believe that being overweight is wrong or should prevent anyone from having good things in life. I believe in keeping your health and being in shape, but its also a choice. I became obese because of powerlifting, where you have to eat a lot and lift heavy to build more muscle mass and strength. I didnt undergo the follow up cutting phase, so I kept a few extra pounds. I look pretty much the same now as I did at 170 when I was slender. People gain weight for many reasons. I have no problem cycling 7 miles in 15 mins as a warm up for my workouts. I could work out for a an hour daily pretty easily. Obesity comes in many forms, and even in the unhealthy forms its still their choice. I fully promote getting in shape, but only if its what the person wants. For some its substantially harder than for others.
Ahh okay got it :D
Wow. That was a lot. Personally, however, from my point of view, I see where Animefood messed up. And is perhaps trying to reprimand himself for that. But anything said about him is considered bashing in his eye and is also trying to defend himself? Just let it be. He is not an enemy. Continue the thread the way it should be, please? And no reprimands, if I may be obliged? I know everybody wants to get a point across, but just STOP. I don't want any more hate or people being judgmental. Relax. Keep calm and love anime. XD
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