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The Otaku Purgatory Equivilent

Without further ostricizing myself, I stand at a dilemma. To summarize the Sob story that has been my life (believe me, i understand.that worse things happen and im not sulking in the past) after my parents divorced when i was 15, i decided to move out to an apartment with my girlfriend at the time and.my older sister. My sister ditches us and we.are.forced to fend for ourselves and grow up soon... my ex and i dated for 7 years until breaking up shortly after.Anime Expo this last July. Now (finally ^_^) my.dilemma is that i have always found myself to be "too childish" to the peer group that i am surrounded by, though i feel that i dont quite fit in with most of my former Anime loving groups because they dont share anywhere near the responsibilities i am used to and seem to have little patience or.tolerance for my inability to constantly spontaneous about various ventures... what is the best solution for.this dillema.
Not really a best solution, perhaps since its all going to be nailed down to your choice and how you approach it. But my answer is this. Find people who have a mix of the two and socialize with them is your first option. Surely there are those that feel the same. It might be harder to find those that do, but I can tell you there are plenty of mature otakus out there. It just requires your time to find them. Other then that perhaps spend a little more time focusing on stuff such as that if maintaining a connection in the groups you speak of are important. Establish yourself as the go to guy when it comes to the tech and whatnot based on your profile this seems to be a major interest for you but also is quite interested in anime and videogames. Basically a good analogy would be pick the role in the group and stick with it like in the older final fantasies as broad as that may be, it will help you with having said connections around other groups. Perhaps then they will be more social and connect with you more. All in all just be who you wish to be and have confidence in that.
hahahaha i agree with you. i have been definitely pegged.to a position, i just cant help but find myself longing for more. sounds selfish, but i.suppose i envy there carefree nature and detest the bitter conformation of my work peer other colleagues.
Yeah thats completely fine though, probably putting in most of your time with work and whatnot then going to cons and groups seeing how relaxed and playful just prevalent with their interest in general is would lead to at least some form of want for most. Not selfish at all, perhaps a indication that you should treat yourself a bit more though to just having fun.
Sorry, if you can't tell your story in two paragraphs or less, I start not to care. That goes with run-on paragraph as well. To attempt to answer your question (?), fuck what others think. Don't try and fit in to what they want you to be. Be yourself and if they don't like it, fuck them. I could be Yu and give a 2500 word essay on this, but why when 3 sentences do the job for me. Take notes, Yu. ;)
i appreciate your responses yu. jikoshy ^_^. i agree without you statement and appreciate your grammatical synopsis. it is difficult to seek company and be completely closed off to the.feedback of.your environment. these forums prove that fact.as our manorisms tend to reflect an unspoken protocol of forum users. none the less thank you for taking the.time to reply (both of you ^_^)
I understand how you feel, but my situation a lot worser than you. Relationship cannot turn out how we expect. I thought I be the happiest man but sadly to speak it. It's the worst. At least you a little better than me. I don't fit with anyone since usually people taking an advantage on me. I don't mind as long I can help them but things are getting out of hands. When I help them, they think I'm wrong. After they cannot do it, they never show any gratitude. Just be yourself, like @Jikoshy and @yu said take your time to explore. Who knows? You might find something you like since we still got a long lives. Focus on survival before thinking about other things. Sometimes fate just happen, we cannot overturn it.
i appreciate that animefood. im sorry to hear people take advantage of your kindness. I definitely will continue to move.forward and strive.for greatness. thankfully this experience has not made me bitter, rather just a bit flustered at times.
No need to take notes jikoshy although your critique is appreciated. I just feel like writing down a clear representation of how I feel about the subject rather then summing it up but thats not always the case, as you can see via my comments. You are welcome though.
Your welcome @jesse glad my word gave you an encouragement.
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