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How rushed are you to find your special someone?

It'd be nice sooner than later. XD
Not at all. Even after graduating, going off to college, and all that good stuff, I don't see myself settling down with anyone. But who knows~
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wow... people actually take this thread seriously
You won't know if you find them unless you get your pussy ass out there and start looking.
Original Creator of the thread I have a question and if you dont feel like answering then thats fine as well. Why do you feel the need to have a relationship, is it out of want to not feel alone, or perhaps out of necessity , or obligation to fulfill what you feel are standards put on us as people to have etc? If any of the cases mentioned above as some have mentioned work on yourself and dont let this whole search for a relationship constantly tangle itself into your daily life. You would be surprised what focusing on yourself can do, not to mention this way you can enjoy life and therefor see feel happy without the need to be in a relationship if one does not pop up. Do you have interest you can expand on if so then take up a few and work on them, or perhaps gain a few more.
same with me, I maybe be desperate. But I'm in no rush. I'm 28 years old. It's true it's kind of lonely being single, but I rather wait for my time to have a bf/married rather than rush it.
It's a simple matter that I'm just not as happy if I don't have someone to love and hold and cuddle and talk to. I don't really understand how anyone could not want a relationship. Though I can understand the fear of getting hurt.
I don't really rely on other people often just because it's a mental thing of wanting to handle my own problems. So a relationship would break this mindset, or I'd have to break it for the girl, Since a relationship is all about understanding and teamwork basically. Though I do want one quite badly at times, Whenever I feel lonely or feel like it will never happen. But if that happens it happens. I quite enjoy the loving, cuddling and spending time with a significant other, But I also have to point in that I'm young and not the most knowledgeable person yet, And if I have a person I care for, truly care for, Then I want to be able to have the skills, knowledge and job to make her safe and happy. Which being only sixteen, I don't have yet and it will be awhile until I do. Though I can't help but feel a little impatient about it at times. So if I find a girl I care about in that way, Then I may go for it if she feels the same. If not then tough luck I guess, I've only been used by girls in the past because of naivety and because how much trust I gave them. So if I never find a girl that loves me back then I'll be able to keep my lone wolf title and just point my focus to helping friends and family, No matter how desperate I feel, I refuse to be used again because of my impatience and lack of experience.
It really isn't my priority, but I'd like to settle down when I'm at most 25. But whatever happens, happens.
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