MikeyOtaku @mikeylovesanime
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MikeyOtaku @mikeylovesanime
kichigai913, you said tits or gtfo, I was just making a valid point as in how people dont like to respond or even be friendly to me on here. I thought this was a site for otakus to relate and talk about their love for anime, not be ignored or trolled upon.
just saying.
im looking for friends that share similar interests and I dont like hate in my life.
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
commented on
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
Look here you attention slut, if you want to make friends, how bout not making a generic thread about not having any friends and actually say something more than "hm," Or you can do what I suggested and
ritsuioko23 @ritsuioko23
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ritsuioko23 @ritsuioko23
MikeyOtaku @mikeylovesanime
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MikeyOtaku @mikeylovesanime
you have severe social skill problems
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